

View current articles below. If you have any questions, please email


Headline Source
HGS Volunteer of the Month -- November, 2004 November 10, 2004 HGS

Elsa Kapitan-White -- Associate Editor, HGS BulletinHGS Volunteer of the Month for November, 2004

November 2004 HGS Bulletin in PDF Format November 5, 2004 Arthur E. Berman

In Every Issue
From the President
From the Editor
GeoEvents Calendar
Professional Directory

HGS Newsletter -- November, 2004 November 3, 2004 HGS

Houston Geological Society Newsletter
November, 2004
Notices and Reminders

HGS Activities Coming Up

Clastic Graphics Synthesis Article by Frank Walles October 20, 2004 Frank Walles

A New Method to Help Identify Unconventional Targets for Exploration and Development Through Integrative Analysis of Clastic Rock Property Fields

TAPG Conference - Oct. 22 -23, 2004 October 20, 2004 TAPG

TAPG Conference October 22nd and 23rd, 2004

Website User Groups. What are they? October 19, 2004 Dave Crane, Webmaster

User Groups.  What are they?The HGS Website has a feature called "User Groups."  These are essentially interest-group mailing lists that you can sign up for.  There is 

Tectonic Setting of the World's Giant Oil and Gas Fields October 19, 2004 HGS Bulletin

Tectonic Settingof the World’s Giant Oil and Gas Fields

WeimerFest Symposium Nov. 3-5, 2004 October 14, 2004 Jim Emme

A WeimerFest Symposium will be held at the Colorado School of Mines from November third through fifth honoring Dr. Robert J.

HGS Internationalists Newsletter -- October, 2004 October 14, 2004 Al Danforth

HGS Internationalists NewsletterOctober, 2004

HGS Volunteer of the Month -- October, 2004 October 11, 2004 HGS Bulletin, October, 2004

Bill Anderson
HGS Library Committee Chair
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