HGS Internationalists Newsletter -- October, 2004

HGS Internationalists NewsletterOctober, 2004

REMINDER: The Next HGS Int'l Dinner is Monday. Oct 18th.Shushufindi Field --Ecuador's Giant Revisitedby J.FORNEY, H.SAN-MARTIN, P.ENWERE, J.VEGA, P.ACUNA, J.OCHOA, Core Laboratories, Houston, TX and Petroproducción, Quito, Ecuador
Pre-registration deadline 5PM tomorrow, Friday, Oct 15th.
See the separate article for full details.
Go to the HGS calendar entry and register now or,
If you log-in by cookie, you can go directly to the reservations page.


If you have questions, please contact:Al Danforth by e-mail, or call (713) 502-2766

Published October 14, 2004




Al Danforth
Thursday, October 14, 2004