Event Sponsorship

Sponsorship is a great way to advertise your business!

Feature Your Company

(Click Here for the HGS Calender of Events)

Thanks to the support of our sponsors, HGS continues to bring members of the geoscience community together to explore the latest technologies.

  • Annual Events

The annual HGS events are an excellent opportunity for vendors to exhibit their latest technologies and support the Houston Geological Society by  becoming an event Sponsor.

Event Sponsors have a wide range of events from which to select and include:

  • Event Sponsor - Africa Conference, Fishing Tournament, Golf Tournament, Guest Night, Mudrocks Conference, Skeet Shoot, Technofest, HGS Field Trips, and Lectures & Courses
  • Reception Sponsor
  • Lunch Sponsor
  • Coffee Sponsor
  • Other opportunities depending on the event

Sponsorhip for events provides:

  • Complimentary conference registrations
  • Company name & logo prominently displayed at event, online event website and related HGS communications
  • Dedicated directional signage and logo’ed lanyards
  • Complimentary vendor table

Please contact the event Committee to participate.

Click here to view the calendar of upcoming events.

  • Meetings - Vendor Corner

The Vendor Corner opportunity allows informal commercial presentations at the HGS Dinner meetings. This allows you to convey information to the audience; it also provides a useful focal point for discussions during the social hour.

  • Presentations may be poster-style; or brochures; or they may project onto a wall, screen, or pop-up booth. 
  • The vendor will get one linked logo ad in the HGS website calendar event.
  • The vendor must supply the logo (150 x 36 pixels) and the URL to the webmaster.
  • Participants in the Vendor Corner Program are asked for a $500.00 contribution.
The funds that Vendors pay to host the Vendor Corners, are directed 100% to our HGS Student scholarships.

For further details, please contact the HGS Office.

  • HGS Virtual Technical Lunch & Dinner Series Sponsorship Package

Due to COVID, the HGS has moved most technical lunches and dinners to an online platform (Zoom). Since this transition, we have seen about 30 to 50 attendees attending per session. Since it's online, we've been tapping into all the regions (domestic and international) as far as attendance is concerned. Also, if the speaker agrees to allow us to record the talk, it may be published to our YouTube channel or distributed amongst attendees who registered. HGS YouTube Channel The sponsorship package consists of the following:

  • $500 per individual events which would include the following:
  • HGS Social Media Promotional Platform: LinkedIn, Facebook, Instagram, Twitter
  • HGS Marketing Platform: HGS Website event page, HGS email Newsletter, HGS Bulletin, YouTube
  • HGS Technical Talk Date: Before introducing the speaker, the HGS will go through general announcements for the month and will have a slide thanking all of our sponsors for the talk. After the speaker's talk, the HGS will once again share a slide to all attendees with sponsor logos and thank all sponsorship once again.

For more information, please contact the HGS Office at office@hgs.org