September, 2004 NeoGeos News

September NeoGeos Newsletter Thanks to everyone that attended the NeoGeos social last month! We had an excellent brainstorming session, and came up with some excellent ideas for future NeoGeos events such as: Basketball night at the Houston Rockets and a Core labs tour!!!So, this month we have two events for you : 1. First, on Saturday, September 18th, 2004 we will be participating in a Galveston Beach Cleanup. We will meet at Menard Park at 8:30AM and begin the cleanup at 9AM.When :  Saturday, September 18, 2004  8:30AM - 12 noon  Where : We will meet at Menard Park, 28th and Seawall Blvd.  (see MapQuest : )How : Drive to the site, we will meet and possibly carpool to our final beach site. We can set up carpooling groups, email me if you are interested.Why : This cleanup gives us a great opportunity to give back to the community, clean our environment, and have a grand ol'' time at the beach!! What to bring : Sunscreen, Light clothes, Work gloves (if you like), Hat, it is recommended to wear close-toed shoes, (but bring sandals too if you like), a towel What is provided :  Soft drinks and juice drinks, LUNCH!!! fajitas, hot dogs, burgers and drinks; and for the cleanup - Trash bags, Surgical type gloves to keep your hands cleanWho :  Everyone is invited, all family members, significant others, friends, dogs, etc., etc.  The more the merrier!!!For more information go to : to view information about this beach clean up. Please RSVP to me, Natalie Uschner, by Friday, September 17th at  noon to let me know if you are coming. For this event, please email me call me at work (713) 513-2300 x5923, or home at (713)623-8773 to RSVP.
I''ll need to take your phone numbers and names so I can call you in case of a cancellation due to weather :)  Also, let me know if you would like to set up a carpool.2. On Thursday, September 30th, 2004 we will have a social at  the Flying Saucer Draught Emporium from 5:45 PM to.....Everyone is invited, bring significant others, friends, and coworkers, and anyone interested in joining the NeoGeos!!Flying Saucer Draught Emporium705 Main Street Houston Texas 77002 US MapQuest map :''S COMING UP IN OCTOBER???? Check out the HGS Website or October''s HGS Bulletin to see the information about the NeoGeos Birthday Bash on October 19th at SAINT ARNOLD''S BREWERY!
More information to come!!

Natalie Uschner
Monday, September 13, 2004