

View current articles below. If you have any questions, please email


Headline Source
PESGB/HGS Africa 04, London Sept 7-8 August 11, 2004 HGS Bulletin

REMINDER: <?xml:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" />

Free July, 2004 issue of <i>Geotimes</i> July 25, 2004 Art Berman

HGS Members Receive a Complimentary Issue of Geotimes<?xml:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" />

HGS Internationalists Newsletter -- July, 2004 July 22, 2004 HGS


HGS International Explorationists NewsletterJuly, 2004

Internationalist Directory Will Be Published in September

HGS Newsletter -- July, 2004 July 9, 2004 HGS

Houston Geological Society NewsletterJuly, 2004
Notices and Reminders

Support Earth Science in Texas Public Schools July 8, 2004 Steve Levine

A note from Steve Levine,President of the Houston Geological Society
8 July, 2004

8th Annual Gulf of Mexico Deepwater Technical Symposium July 7, 2004 Gulf of Mexico Deepwater Technical Symposium committee

Deepwater Symposium in New Orleans
August 19th and 20th, 2004

2004 HGS Awards Presented June 28, 2004 HGS

2004 HGS Awards

Unauthorized Use of the HGS Website June 24, 2004 HGS Webmaster

Unauthorized Use of the HGS Website

Geophysics, Metaphysics, and the Independent Geologist June 23, 2004 SIPES

This abstract is for a talk given in Houston, TX at the July 15, 2004 SIPES Luncheon.

HGS Newsletter -- June, 2004 June 8, 2004 HGS

Houston Geological Society NewsletterJune, 2004
Meeting Notices and Reminders

HGS Meetings