May 2004 HGS Bulletin in PDF Format

Regular Monthly Articles:

  • Webnotes
  • HGA/GeoWives
  • Members on the Move

Feature Articles:

  • Gov. Rick Perry Announces Grant to Texas Energy Center
  • 2003–2004 Outstanding Student Awards
  • Guest Night 2004, Saturday, June 19, will feature NASA scientist Dr. Gordon McKay on the topic “Results From Spirit and Opportunity: Twin Rover Geologists on Mars”
  • Oil and Gas Proven Reserve Reductions: a Geologist’s Perspective

Abstracts of Monthly Meetings:

  • Rethinking the Global Carbon Cycle with Gas Hydrates and Seafloor Methane Throughout Time
  • Ambiguity and Sensitivity of Rock Properties under Different Reservoir Conditions
  • Sequence Stratigraphy and Reservoir Prediction of the Giant Tengiz Field, Kazakhstan
  • Knowledge, Resources, Respect: Flood Damage Reduction and Our Community
  • Upper Ordovician Montoya Sequence Stratigraphy and Chert Porosity in the Southeastern Delaware Basin, West Texas
  • Meeting the Energy Challenges
HGS Bulletin
Saturday, May 1, 2004
Houston Geological Society Bulletins