June 2004 HGS Bulletin in PDF Format

June, 2004 HGS Bulletin in PDF format (2.4 megabytes)
Regular Monthly Articles:

  • From the President
  • From the Editor
  • Webnotes
  • HGA/GeoWives

Feature Articles:

  • Guest Night 2004 Mission Results from the Spirit and Opportunity Mars Rovers, Featuring Dr. Gordon McKay, NASA Johnson Space Center
  • 2003–2004 Houston Geological Society Awards
  • The Energy Cycle—The 2004 MS 150
  • Embrace the Future—Celebrate the Past: The 2004 AAPG Annual Convention
  • Oil and Gas Proven Reserve Reductions: Is Certification Necessary?
  • Looking Ahead Outreach Events for Fall 2004

Abstracts of Monthly Meetings:

  • Where’s the P in LLC?
  • Agbami Field, Nigeria—Addressing Challenges and Uncertainty
  • Meeting the Energy Challenges
HGS Bulletin
Sunday, June 6, 2004
Houston Geological Society Bulletins