HGS Volunteer of the Month -- October, 2004

Bill Anderson
HGS Library Committee Chair
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Bill Anderson is the new chair of the Library Committee, having served as a member of the committee last year.  The Library Committee works with the collections of geology documents donated by HGS to the Houston Public Library many years ago.  “The collection contains some one-of-a-kind driller’s logs and other hard-to-find geologic data,” says Bill.  “There are also some rare papers from the personal collections of early <?xml:namespace prefix = st1 ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:smarttags" />Texas geologists.”   These materials are all available for use by the public, but they are likely to be of most interest to those in the professional geology community.
Anderson hopes to increase the visibility of this committee by highlighting the materials in the collections, and also by promoting a partnership between HGS, Houston Public Library, and the Bureau’s Houston Core Facility to make some parts of the collection available as scanned images.  Watch the HGS Bulletin and the HGS Website for news about the activities of the Library Committee.
Bill joined HGS in the mid-1970’s soon after he finished graduate work at UT Austin and joined Phillips Petroleum in Houston.  In the late 1980’s, he edited the HGS Membership Directory for 2 years.  Bill worked for Phillips for 25 years, including a 7-year stint with the company’s minerals group, exploring for uranium, then base and precious metals in the western U.S. and Canada.  He now works for Access Sciences Corporation, a records management consulting firm providing services and technology to help clients manage critical electronic and paper information resources.

HGS Bulletin, October, 2004
Monday, October 11, 2004
Member News