The Wise Report, October 29, 2021

The Wise Report

Henry M. Wise, P.G.

October 29, 2021


The Texas legislative session is once again out of session for the third time.  None of the bills we were following were passed.


The Texas Board of Professional Geoscientists (TBPG) recently reviewed its rules for its four-year rule review, pursuant to Government Code §2001.039, and now proposes amendments to its rules to add acronyms and to correct wording and grammar for consistency. The proposed amendment to 22 TAC §850.10 clarifies the definition of "Licensee" in subsection 1, adding the terms, "P.G.," "Geoscientist-in-Training (GIT)," and "Geoscience Firm (Firm)" to list out the acronyms that are used throughout the rules. The proposed amendment in 22 TAC §850.61 removes the words "in order" from subsection (d) to eliminate redundancy and for consistency. The proposed amendment in 22 TAC §850.62 capitalizes the word "Firm" in two instances when referring to a registered geoscience firm. The proposed amendment in 22 TAC §850.63 adds the word "in" for clarity and consistency in subsection (a). The proposed amendment in 22 TAC §850.65 replaces the word "as" with "at" to correct and clarify the sentence. For more information go to:

Henry M. Wise, P.G.

The Wise Report



Henry M. Wise, PG
Friday, October 29, 2021
Government Update