The Texas Legislature is back in session through June 2, 2025. As usual, I’ll be filing updates as new bills come in. New information is in bold.
HB 191, by Spiller, Companion bill HB 1566 (Duplicate), Relating to the purchase of or acquisition of title to real property by certain foreign entities. Sales of properties or minerals in place to countries identified by the US Director of National Intelligence as on that poses a risk to US national security are prohibited. 2/27/2025 Referred to Homeland Security, Public Safety & Veterans Affairs. For more information go to:
HB 279, by Guillen, Companion bill SB 1061 (Identical), Relating to procedural requirements for uranium mining production area authorizations. 3/12/2025 Reported favorably without amendment(s). For more information go to:
HB 402, by Cain, Relating to the purchase of or acquisition of title to real property by certain aliens or foreign entities. Sales of properties or minerals in place to countries identified by the US Director of National Intelligence as on that poses a risk to US national security are prohibited. 2/28/2025 Referred to Homeland Security, Public Safety & Veteran's Affairs. For more information go to: .
HB 457, by Christina Morales, Relating to an alert system for notification of the release of toxic chemicals by a manufacturing facility. "If the responsible state agency determines that a release will substantially endanger human health or the environment, the agency shall, not later than 30 minutes after making the determination, notify persons in the area in which the facility is located of the release using the alert system established under Subsection (d). When the agency determines a release is no longer a threat to human health or the environment, the agency shall notify persons using the alert system." 2/28/2025 Reerred to Environmental Regulation. For more information go to:
HB 553, by Patterson, Relating to the permitting of renewable energy generation facilities by the Public Utility Commission of Texas; authorizing fees. 3/3/2025 Referred to State Affairs. For more information go to:
HB 710, by Harrison, Relating to the recognition of occupational licenses and government certifications issued in other states; authorizing a fee. 3/4/2025 Referred to Licensing & Administrative Procedures. Regardless of what the rules for a Board are, if an individual has a license in another state the Board must issue a license to them provided they meet the provisions of this particular statue. In addition, if a person does not have a license because their state does not require one, the Board must give them a license if they meet the Board's requirements. This would eliminate reciprocity to a degree. the Texas Board of Geoscientists does not have reciprocity with states that do not recognize our grandfathered licensees but other states would have their grandfathered individuals come in and practice. For more information go to:
HB 736, by Flores, Relating to certain procedures for civil suits brought by local governments or certain other persons for violations of certain laws under the jurisdiction of, or rules adopted or orders or permits issued by, the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality. Amends current law. 3/5/2025 Referred to Environmental Regulation. For more information go to:
HB 859, by Reynolds, Relating to the establishment of the Texas Environmental Justice Advisory Council. 3/5/2025 Referred to Environmental Regulaton. For more information go to:
HB 866, by Reynolds, Relating to the creation of the Climate Change Impact Assessment Council. 3/5/2025 Referred to Environmental Regulaton. For more information go to:
HB 1089, by Paul, Companion bill SB795 (Identical), Relating to creation of the gulf coast protection account to be administered by the General Land Office. Scheduled for public hearing on 3/19/2025. For more information go to:
HB 1145, by Morales Shaw, Relating to a study regarding the use of perfluoroalkyl and polyfluoroalkyl chemicals in hydraulic fracturing. Report by the University of Houston, in collaboration the the Railroad Commission of Texas and the Texas Commision on Environmental Quality is to be submitted by December 1, 2026. 3/7/2025 Referred to Energy Resources. For more information go to:
HB 1190, by Christina Hinojosa, Relating to the reduction of methane gas flaring on land dedicated to the permanent university fund. "The board of regents of The University of Texas System shall adopt a formal policy goal to eliminate routine methane flaring on university lands by 2027." 3/7/2025 Referred to Energy Resources. For more information go to:
HB 1237, by Guillen, Relating to the renewal by the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality of certain expired occupational licenses and registrations. "A person whose license or registration has been expired for at least 90 days but not more than one year may apply for renewal of the license or registration by paying to the commission a renewal fee in an amount prescribed by commission rule not to exceed two times the normally required renewal fee." 3/10/2025 Referred to Envornmental Regulation. For more information go to:
HB 1238, by Guillen, Companion bill SB 1060 (Identical). Relating to the inspection of the location of a proposed Class I injection well. Scheduled for public hearing on 3/19/2025. For more information go to:
HB 1341, by Reynolds, Companion bill SB 2350 (Identical), Relating to establishment of maximum allowable ground level concentrations of hydrogen sulfide by the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality. 3/10/2025 Referred to Envornmental Regulation. For more information go to:
HB 1400, by Harris, Companion bill SB 718 (Identical). Relating to creation of the groundwater science, research, and innovation fund to be administered by the Texas Water Development Board. Scheduled for public hearing on 3/19/2025. For more information go to:
HB 1412, by Allen, Relating to the location of certain public meetings for certain permits issued by the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality. "A public meeting requested under Subsection (a)(1) shall be held in the house district in which the facility or proposed facility is located or proposed to be located." 3/11/2025 Referred to Environmental Regulation. For more information go to:
HB 1438, by Zwiener, Relating to climate change planning and reporting. "Not later than June 1, 2026, and before the end of each successive four-year period after that date, the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality and the office of the state climatologist shall prepare a report on the potential impact of climate change in this state." 3/11/2025 Referred to Environmental Regulation. For more information go to:
HB 1523, by Gerdes, Relating to a prohibition on the authorization by the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality of the use of a Class V injection well for certain aquifer storage and recovery projects. Class V injection wells includes those wells used in insitu uranium recovery. Passage would eliminate the use of ISR in certain counties, esp. Goliad County. Acceptance of this bill could easily be expanded to eliminate all ISR facilities in Texas. 3/12/2025 Referred to Natural Resources. For more information go to:
HB 1566, by Paterson, Companion bill HB 191 (Duplicate), Relating to the purchase of or acquisition of title to real property by certain foreign entities. Sales of properties or minerals in place to countries identified by the US Director of National Intelligence as on that poses a risk to US national security are prohibited. 3/12/2025 Referred to Homeland Security, Public Safety & Veteran's Affairs. For more information go to:
HB 1618, by Harris Davila, Companion bill SB 616 (Identical), Relating to aquifer storage and recovery projects that transect a portion of the Edwards Aquifer. "The commission (TCEQ) by rule or permit may aquifer storage and recovery project that includes an ASR injection well, as defined under Section 27.151, that transects the Edwards Aquifer in the area of Williamson County east of Interstate Highway 35 for the injection of water into a geologic formation that underlies the Edwards Aquifer." 3/12/2025 Referred to Natural Resources. For more information go to:
HB 1633, by Gerdes, Companion bill SB 624 (Identical), Relating to the criteria considered by groundwater conservation districts before granting or denying a permit or permit amendment. 3/12/2025 Referred to Natural Resources. For more information go to:
HB 1682, by Morales Shaw, Relating to the disposition and use of the state's portion of civil penalties recovered in suits brought by local governments for violations of certain laws under the jurisdiction of, or rules adopted or orders or permits issued by, the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality. 3/12/2025 Referred to Environmental Regulation. For more information go to:
HB 1808, by Landgraf, Relating to the regulation and management of produced water from oil and gas operations. To prevent pollution of surface water or subsurface water in the state, the Texas Railroad Commission shall adopt and enforce rules and orders and may issue permits relating to the recycling and beneficial use of produced water associated with oil and gas operations. 3/14/2025 Referred to Energy Resources. For more information go to:
HB 2246, by Cain, Companion bill SB 1717 (Similar), Relating to the terminology used in statute to refer to the partially landlocked body of water on the southeastern periphery of the North American continent. All Texas agencies, etc, shall refer to "Gulf of Mexico" as "Gulf of America". 3/14/2025 Referred to State Affairs. For more information go to:
HB 2347, by Zwiener, Relating to the adoption of a water conservation program by certain counties. 3/14/2025 Referred to Natural Resources. For more information go to:
HB 2349, by Darby, Companion bill SB 1172 (Identical). Relating to exempting certain transactions from regulation by the Texas Real Estate Commission. 3/14/2025 Referred to Licensing & Administrative Procedures. For more information go to:
HB 2445, by Dutton, Relating to the carcinogenic risk level used in the development of certain environmental remediation benchmarks. "The commission shall set each carcinogenic risk level used by the commission in the development of a protective concentration level, risk-based exposure limit, or any other remediation standard used in connection with this chapter or a rule adopted under this chapter, including the Texas Risk Reduction Program (30 T.A.C. Chapter 350) or a similar program established by the commission, at a rate not greater than one in one million." Filed 2/5/2025. For more information go to:
HB 2584, by Landgraf, Companion bill SB 1145 (Identical), Relating to the authority of the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality to issue permits for the land application of water produced from certain mining and oil and gas extraction operations. "The commission may issue permits for the land application of produced water resulting from activities described by Subsection (a) that has been treated for beneficial use. The commission shall adopt standards for the land application of water under this section, including standards that prevent the pollution of surface and subsurface water." Filed 2/7/2025. For more information go to:
HB 2612, by Zwiener, Relating to the establishment and functions of the Texas Carbon Dioxide Sequestration Policy Council. Filed 2/10/2025. For more information go to:
HB 2719, by Anchia, Relating to the name and governance of the Railroad Commission of Texas. Changes the name of the Railroad Commission of Texas to the Texas Oil , Gas, and Minerals Commission. Also sets up the commission with three elected commissioners. Filed 2/12/2025. For more information go to:
HB 2762, by Geren, Companion bill SB 1258 (Identical), Relating to the ownership of the pore space underlying the surface of land. The bill states that the pore space in a formation is owned by the surface owner. Filed 2/12/2025. For more information go to:
HB 2765, by Guillen, Relating to the Rural Economic Development and Investment Program and the Texas economic development fund. Available funds may be used to attract new private enterprises to the county or municipality, including mineral extraction activities. Filed 2/12/2025. For more information go to:
HB 2766, by Geren, Companion bill SB 1150 (Identical), Relating to the plugging of certain inactive wells subject to the jurisdiction of the Railroad Commission of Texas. Filed 2/13/2025, For more information go to:
HB 3038, by Dutton, Relating to the notice of intent to obtain a permit from the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality. Filed 2/19/2025. For more information go to:
HB 3039, by Dutton, Relating to the definition of "affected person" for purposes of a contested case hearing held by or for the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality regarding certain environmental permit applications. For the purpose of an administrative hearing held by or for the commission involving a contested case regarding a permit application referred under Section 5.556 or 5.557, the state senator and representative who represent the area in which the facility to which the application relates is located or proposed to be located are considered affected persons." Filed 2/19/2025. For more information go to:
HB 3156, by Darby, Companion bill SB 1399 (Identical), Relating to fluid oil and gas waste and products and byproducts of that waste. Filed 2/21/2025. For more information go to:
HB 3240, by Guerra, Relating to the establishment of the Texas geothermal energy production policy council. Filed 2/24/2025. For more information go to:
HB 3506, by Dyson, Companion bill SB1147 (Identical), Relating to the withdrawal of the State of Texas from the Interstate Mining Compact. Filed 2/28/2025. For more information go to:
HB 3634, by Metcalf, Companion bill SB 1410 (Identical), Relating to renaming the Gulf of Mexico as the Gulf of America. Filed 3/3/2025. For more information go to:
HB 3677, by Tepper, Companion bill SB 716 (Identical), Relating to the issuance of an occupational license to certain out-of-state applicants. If an individual in another state holds a similar license to one required in the State of Texas, the Texas Board must issue a license to them if they pay the required fee. This would eliminate reciprocity to a degree. Tthe Texas Board of Geoscientists is not one of the listed licenses in this bill, but the Texas Board of Professional Engineers and Land Surveyors are. The TBPG could be listed if the bill is ever amended. Filed 3/4/2025. For more information go to:
HB 3728, Morales Shaw, Relating to the adoption by the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality of salinity requirements for bays and estuaries. Filed 3/4/2025. For more information go to:
HB 3768, by Hernandez, Relating to public hearings held by the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality in areas that exceed an ambient air quality standard for benzene. Filed 3/4/2025. For more information go to:
HB 3899, by Paul, Companion bill SB 495 (Identical), Relating to the authority of the Texas Department of Insurance to adopt rules that implement or are based on certain environmental, social, and governance models, ratings, or standards. Filed 3/6/2025. For more information go to:
HB 3911, by Darby, Companion bill SB 1146 (Identical), Relating to the plugging or replugging of certain inactive wells subject to the jurisdiction of the Railroad Commission of Texas. Filed 3/6/2025. For more information go to:
HB 3971, by Pierson, Relating to renaming the Sunset Advisory Commission the Department of Government Efficiency (DOGE) and to the duties of that department. Only the name will be changed. Filed 3/6/2025.
HB 4981, by Luther, Relating to renaming the Sunset Advisory Commission the Department of Government Efficiency (DOGE) and to the duties of that department. Only the name will be changed. Filed 3/13/2025. For more information go to:
HB 5207, by Guillen, Companion bill SB 1663 (Identical), Relating to notification procedures concerning groundwater contamination. Filed 3/14/2025. For more information go to:
HJR 27, by Goodwin, Proposing a constitutional amendment guaranteeing the right to a clean and healthy environment. 3/3/2025 Frferred to Natural Resources. For more information go to:
HJR 107, by Landraf, Proposing a constitutional amendment protecting the right to engage in the exploration for and production and export of oil, gas, and other minerals. Scheduled for public hearing on 3/17/2025. For more information go to:
SB 212, by West, Relating to certain public meetings and public hearings concerning permits issued by the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality. Mandates location of public meetings for permits. 2/3/2025 Referred to Natural Resources. For more information go to:
SB 307, by Kolkhorst, Bettencourt, Hall, Middleton, Relating to the purchase of or acquisition of title to real property by certain aliens or foreign entities. Sales of properties or minerals in place to countries identified by the US Director of National Intelligence as on that poses a risk to US national security are prohibited. 2/3/2025 Referred to State Affairs. For more information go to:
SB 495, by Sparks, Companion bill HB 3899 (Identical), Relating to the authority of the Texas Department of Insurance to adopt rules that implement or are based on certain environmental, social, and governance models, ratings, or standards. 3/12/2025 Not again placed on intent calendar. For more information go to:
SB 561, by Eckhardt, Alvarado, Cook, Gutierrez, Miles, Relating to the creation of the Office of Environmental Justice within the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality. 2/3/2025 Referred to Natural Resources. For more information go to:
SB 616, by Schwertner, Companion bill HB 1618 (Identical), Relating to aquifer storage and recovery projects that transect a portion of the Edwards Aquifer. "The commission (TCEQ) by rule or permit may aquifer storage and recovery project that includes an ASR injection well, as defined under Section 27.151, that transects the Edwards Aquifer in the area of Williamson County east of Interstate Highway 35 for the injection of water into a geologic formation that underlies the Edwards Aquifer." 23/13/2025 Received from the Senate. For more information go to:
SB 624, by Kolkhorst, Companion bill HB 1633 (Identical), Relating to the criteria considered by groundwater conservation districts before granting or denying a permit or permit amendment. 2/3/2025 Referred to Water, Agriculture, & Rural Affairs For more information go to: Texas Legislature Online - 89(R) History for SB 624.
SB 716, by Sparks, Companion bill HB 3677 (Identical), Relating to the issuance of an occupational license to certain out-of-state applicants. If an individual in another state holds a similar license to one required in the State of Texas, the Texas Board must issue a license to them if they pay the required fee. This would eliminate reciprocity to a degree. The Texas Board of Geoscientists is not one of the listed licensees in this bill, but the Texas Board of Professional Engineers and Land Surveyors are. The TBPG could be listed if the bill is ever amended. 2/7/2025 Referred to Business & Commerce. For more information go to:
SB 718, by Kolkhorst and Johnson, Companion bill HB 1400 (Identical), Relating to creation of the groundwater science, research, and innovation fund to be administered by the Texas Water Development Board. 2/7/2025 Referred to Water, Agriculture, & Rural Affairs. For more information go to:
SB 795, by Alvarado, Companion bill HB1089 (Identical), Relating to the establishment of an advisory board to study surface water and groundwater interaction. 2/7/2025 Referred to Natural Resources. For more information go to:
SB 976, by Eckhardt, Relating to the establishment of an advisory board to study surface water and groundwater interaction. 2/13/2025 Referred to Water, Agriculture, & Rural Affairs. For More information go to:
SB 1060, by Parker, Companion bill HB1238 (Identical), Relating to the inspection of the location of a proposed Class I injection well. 2/24/2025 Referred to Natural Resources. For more information go to:
SB 1061, by Parker, Companion bill HB 279 (Identical), Relating to procedural requirements for uranium mining production area authorizations. 3/12/2025 Vote taken in committee. For more information go to:
SB 1145, by Birdwell and Sparks, Companion bill HB 2584 (Identical), Relating to the authority of the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality to issue permits for the land application of water produced from certain mining and oil and gas extraction operations. 3/13/2025 Received from the Senate, For more information go to:
SB 1146, by Birdwell, Companion bill HB 3911 (Identical), Relating to the plugging or replugging of certain inactive wells subject to the jurisdiction of the Railroad Commission of Texas. 3/12/2025 Left pending in committee. For more information go to:
SB 1147, by Birdwell, Companion bill HB 3506 (Identical), Relating to the withdrawal of the State of Texas from the Interstate Mining Compact. Scheduled for public hearing on 3/19/2025. For more information go to:
SB 1150, by Middleton, Companiou bill HG 2766 (Identical), Relating to the plugging of certain inactive wells subject to the jurisdiction of the Railroad Commission of Texas. 3/12/2025 Left pending in committee. For more information go to:
SB 1172, by Perry, Companion Bill HB 2349 (Identical), Relating to exempting certain transactions from regulation by the Texas Real Estate Commission. 3/11/2025 Left pending in committee. Fore more information go to:
SB 1258, by Nichols and Kokhorst, Companion bill HB 2762 (Identical), Relating to the ownership of the pore space underlying the surface of land. The bill states that the pore space in a formation is owned by the surface owner. 2/28/2025 Referred to Natural Resources. For more information go to:
SB 1399, by Perry, Companion bill HB 3156 (Identical), Relating to fluid oil and gas waste and products and byproducts of that waste. 3/6/2025 Referred to Natureal Resources. For more information go to:
SB 1410, by Campbell, Companion bill HB 3634 (Identical), Relating to renaming the Gulf of Mexico as the Gulf of America. Filed 2/19/2025. For more information go to:
SB 1535, by Zaffirini and Parker, Relating to the establishment by the Texas Workforce Commission of an advanced nuclear energy workforce development program. Shouldn't uranium exploration and mining be included? What good is nuclear power without fuel? Scheduled for public hearing on 3/17/2025. For more information go to:
SB 1631, by Bampbell, Relating to the establishment by the Texas Workforce Commission of an advanced nuclear energy workforce development program. 3/11/2025 Referred to Economic Development. For more information go to:
SB 1663, by Zaffirini, Relating to notification procedures concerning groundwater contamination. When the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality (TCEQ) received notice that a wather well is contaminated, the TCEQ has 30 days to notify each owner of a private drinking water well that may be afffected by the contamination, each applicable groundwater conservation district, and the residents of each residential address within one mile of the site of the contamination. 3/11/2025 Referred to Water, Agriculture, & Rural AffaIrs. For more information go to:
SB 1717, by Middleton, Companion bill HB 2246 (Similar), Relating to the terminology used in statute to refer to the partially landlocked body of water on the southeastern periphery of the North American continent. 3/13/2025 Referred to State Affairs. For more information go to:
SB 1855, by Perry, Relating to requirements that certain plats for the subdivision of land include evidence of groundwater supply.. Filed 3/4/2025. For more information go to:
SB 1954, by Campbell, Relating to the authority of a county to regulate land use in certain areas in and around hydrologically sensitive areas. Filed 3/5/2025. For more information go to:
SB 2350, by Reynolds, Companion bill HB1341 (Identical), Relating to establishment of maximum allowable ground level concentrations of hydrogen sulfide by the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality. Filed 3/12/2025. For more information go to:
SB 2635, by Johnson, Companion bill HB 2719 (Identical), Relating to the name and governance of the Railroad Commission of Texas. Filed 3/13/2025. For more information go to: