Guest Night 2012 to Feature Extreme Speaker May 19


Most geologists have a natural wanderlust to see new places and different rocks.  Imagine the thrill of exploring this planet’s last frontier - Antarctica - and doing this partially underwater!  This year, the annual Guest Night event will feature Susan R. Eaton who will take us on a journey to the Bottom of the World, sharing her experiences of two Antarctic expeditions.  Susan's multi-media presentation is entitled “A Geoscientist in Antarctica: Following in Shackleton's Footsteps One Hundred Years Later.” 


Susan's first Antarctic adventure was in 2010, as part of the Elysium Visual Epic Expedition which followed Sir Ernest Shackleton’s route to Antarctica and South Georgia – 100 years later.  Elysium's mission was to scout, record and analyze this pristine wilderness of ice and snow, and create a visual library – both above and below the water – documenting the impacts of climate change. One of two expedition geoscientists, Susan joined Elysium's science team, lecturing on the geology and plate tectonics of Antarctica and assisting with oceanographic field studies.


As an extreme snorkeler, Susan investigated Antarctica in -2◦C waters, coming face-to-mask with leopard seals, top predators of the Southern Ocean. During the Elysium Expedition, Susan blogged to the AAPG and other geoscience organizations. Since her return from Antarctica, she's delivered ten public presentations and has published a dozen articles on Elysium's findings, including two articles for AAPG Explorer Magazine. Through her outreach educational activities, Susan conveys her passion for science and exploration, encouraging K-12 and university students to follow their dreams.


Susan’s next Antarctic expedition is happening as you read this!  The 2012 International Antarctic Expedition and Leadership on the Edge Program travels to Antarctica from February 27 to March 12, studying climate change, renewable energy and global sustainability issues.  It's hoped that the HGS can sponsor part of Susan’s work on this expedition, and that we can get progress reports (blogs) from Antarctica.  The HGS will be one of the first groups that will hear Susan present her findings and pictures from this trip!


An Antarctic explorer-in-the-making, Susan will participate in a third expedition planned for December 27, 2012 to January 20, 2013. Organized by the Jackson School of Geosciences (University of Texas at Austin), the expedition is part of the 125thanniversary of the Geological Society of America.  Entitled “Antarctica and the Scotia Arc: Tectonic, Climate and Life,” the expedition will study the Falkland Islands, South Georgia and the Western Antarctic Peninsula.


Susan is a professional geologist and geophysicist. She's developed a successful career in the Canadian energy sector, attaining the position of Vice President of Exploration in several junior oil and gas companies. Susan currently consults to the Canadian, American and international petroleum and financial sectors on exploration and production, technology innovation, and mergers and acquisitions.  Equipped with a degree in journalism, she's been a reporter for CBC-TV.  As a freelance writer, Susan successfully blends her scientific and journalistic skills to present engaging reports on business, science and technology, oil and gas, renewable energy, the environment and ecotourism.


Studies of Antarctica provide a useful window into the impacts of climate change -- as geologists, we know it is the norm not the exception that the climate changes.  We hope that these Antarctic studies may not only provide images of what to expect but also insights on how to adapt to these changes.


Guest Night will be held at the Houston Museum of Natural Science on Saturday, May 19th.  Doors open at 5:45 for the buffet dinner and cash bar.  At 7:30 we move into the IMAX theater to recognize the both our Science Fair winners and our sponsors.  Then we will hear Susan R. Eaton’s talk with her stunning images and videos.  After a short break, we return to see a special IMAX movie (title cannot be disclosed yet). Bring your friends and family as this is a wonderful night for all ages.  Registration is only available on-line (mid-April 2012) and the deadline is Noon, Monday, May 14. Sign up early as this is sure to sell out.


Click here to go to the HGS Guest Night Registration page.







Icebergs etched by the seas near the Western Antarctic Peninsula – how will climate change affect us?  Credit: Photo courtesy of


Dave Reynolds, edited by Ron Waszczak
Tuesday, January 31, 2012
Guest Night