AAPG Convention Returns to Houston April 10-13, 2011



HGS is the host Society

for the next AAPG Convention and Exhibition,

April 10-13  2011  at the

George R. Brown Convention Center


Attendance at the last AAPG in Houston in 2006 was a record 8300 people.

HGS is working hard to launch the next big convention ; the sky is the limit!

This upcoming 2011 convention celebrates “Making the Next Giant Leap in Geosciences” as the slogan, marking the 50 th anniversary of the launch of the Moon shot program, initiated by JFK here in Houston in 1962. Steve Levine (ConocoPhillips) is the 2011 General Convention Chairman; he served as HGS President 2004-2005.

The call for submission of oral papers and posters is live now at www.aapg.org/houston2011.

The deadline to submit a paper is September 23, 2010. Use the online website at http://aapg2011ace.abstractcentral.com

The abstract site is set up so that presenters will choose a theme after entering user name and password and entering text. Abstracts are limited to 2500 characters.


Here are the eleven themes for the Houston 2011 convention:

Theme 1:   Molecules to Marketplace: the Business of Energy

                           Chair: Jeff Lund (Corridor Resources)

Theme 2:   Global Deepwater Reservoirs: Giant Leaps in E&P

                           Chair: Art Donovan (BP)

Theme3:    Worldwide E&P: Opportunities of the New Decade

                           Chair: Robin Hamilton (Shell)

Theme 4:   Challenged Resource Frontiers

                           CoChairs: Keith Shanley and Kevin Bohacs (ExxonMobil)

Theme 5:   Mudstones and Shales: Unlocking the Promise

                           Chair:  Dan Jarvie

Theme 6:   Siliciclastics: Advancing Research to Resource

                           Chair: Janok Bhattacharya (U of H)

Theme 7:   Insight into Carbonates and Evaporites

                           Chair: Steve Bachtel (Chevron)

Theme 8:   Breakthroughs: Tectonics, Salt and Basin Analysis

                           Chair: Martin Perlmutter (Chevron)

Theme 9:   Integrating New Technology, Geophysics

                   and Subsurface Data --    Chair: R. Randy Ray

Theme 10:  Energy and Environmental Horizons

                           Chair: Anthony Gorody

Theme 11: The Next Geo-Generation: Who, What , Where?

                           Chair: Denise Butler (Shell)


For Technical Program questions, contact:

Linda Sternbach, linda.sternbach@gmail.com,  281-679-7333

Carl Steffensen, Carl.Steffensen@bp.com,  281 366 0809

Linda Sternbach
Saturday, July 17, 2010