Sea-Level Legend Haq Draws Big Crowd to General Dinner


Dr. Bilal Haq, Director of the Marine Geosciences Program at the National Science Foundation, presented his ground-breaking work on global sea level curves of the Paleozoic at the HGS General Dinner meeting on January 12, 2009. The Westchase Hilton room was packed with 150 geoscientists to see this legendary researcher, who worked with Dr. Peter Vail during his career at Exxon. Pictured from left are Art Berman, HGS Vice President, Dr. Haq, and Kara Bennett, HGS President.
Dr. Haq's paper, published in Science (v. 322, Oct. 3, 2008), can be downloaded as a PDF here.  The accompanying Paleozoic sea level chart is available as a PDF here.

Linda Sternbach
Thursday, January 15, 2009