Abstracts for AAPG Annual Convention, hosted by HGS, due September 23

Industry professionals and students are invited to submit abstracts for the AAPG 2011 Annual Convention & Exhibition. HGS is the host society and many of its members are on the operating/technical committee. The technical program committee encourages abstracts that relate to any of the topics listed. Planned sessions and formats (oral or poster) may be modified depending on actual submittals. Deadine is 23 September 2010.


Themes for ACE 2011 are:

  • Theme 1: Molecules to Marketplace: The Business of Energy
  • Theme 2: Global Deepwater Reservoirs: Giant Leaps in E&P
  • Theme 3: Worldwide E&P: Opportunities in the New Decade
  • Theme 4: Challenged Resource Frontiers
  • Theme 5: Mudstones and Shales: Unlocking the Promise
  • Theme 6: Siliciclastics: Advancing Research to Resource
  • Theme 7: Insight into Carbonates and Evaporites
  • Theme 8: Breakthroughs: Tectonics, Salt and Basin Analysis
  • Theme 9: Integrating New Technology, Geophysics and Subsurface Data
  • Theme 10: Energy and Environmental Horizons
  • Theme 11: The Next Geo-Generation: Who, What and Where


For complete details, and to submit your abstract, visit the conference website.


For booth sales or sponsorship information please contact Mike Taylor.

Julie Simmons, AAPG Conventions Marketing Manager
Tuesday, August 3, 2010