HGS Website Redesign Underway

The HGS Board has contracted Schipul Web Design Company to redesign the HGS Website.

HGS kicked off the www.hgs.org  website redesign at Schipul's offices Feb 21.
Pictured is Bill Osten, HGS Webmanager, Lyndia Haryanto (web designer),Linda Sternbach, HGS President, and Javier Avellan (Schipul Manager). 
The goal is to have the HGS website changed to enhance user access and encourage more of the many visitors to the site to join HGS.
Here is DRAFT copy of what the new site design will look like. We hope to go-live with the new design early in May, 2008

Comments welcome: HGS Webmanager.

Bll Osten
Friday, February 22, 2008
Web Notes