September Bulletin Corrections

Hello [firstname],

There are a few errors in the September Bulletin that may confuse you as you make your HGS plans this month.  They are:

  • (p. 29) The General Lunch is at the Petroleum Club (as always), not the Crowne Plaza Hotel. 
  • (p. 38) The General Lunch (Sep. 24) is missing from the Calendar.
  • (p. 38) The International Dinner topic is incorrect on the Calendar.  It should be, "Lacustrine Kitchens -- Keys to Exploration Success in the Pre-Salt Play, Santos Basin, and Potential along the Eastern Brazil Margin."

As always, we encourage you to visit for the latest information (see the links below), and to register on-line for these events.

International Explorationists Dinner Meeting
Speaker's Name: William Dickson & Craig Schiefelbein, Dickson International Geosciences & Geochemical Solutions Intl.
Day: Mon 22-Sep-08 5:30 PM
Location: Westchase Hilton 9999 Westheimer Houston, Texas 77042-3802
Topic: Lacustrine Kitchens -- Keys to Exploration Success in the Pre-Salt Play, Santos Basin, and Potential along the Eastern Brazil Margin
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HGS General Luncheon Meeting
Speaker's Name: Stephen Trammel, Senior Product Manager, IHS
Day: Wed 24-Sep-08 11:30 AM
Location: Petroleum Club of Houston 800 Bell, 43rd Floor Houston, TX 77002
Topic: Hot U.S. Plays: Mostly Shale
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Tarek Ghazi
Wednesday, September 3, 2008