HGS Newsletter 3-Oct-07


HGS This Week
October 3, 2007
Technical Meetings
HGS General Dinner Meeting
Monday Oct. 8, Westchase Hilton, 5:30 pm
John Blickwede (Statoil) speaks on Future Exploration Plays of the Gulf of Mexico Province.” John always has intriguing ideas about exploration, and this talk will be a fine example. He’ll be talking about places in the GOM that we really haven’t looked at: deepwater Mexico, offshore Florida, Cuba, and the Yucatan peninsula, as well as potential new plays in old areas that come from looking at different stratigraphic sections such as the unexplored part of the Upper Jurassic Oxfordian erg on both the U.S. and Mexican sides, Upper Cretaceous submarine fans in the deepwater western GoM, and K/T boundary mass-transport breccias Gulf-wide.
Sponsored by TGS, Fugro Robertson.
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HGS Northsiders Lunch Meeting
Tuesday Oct. 16, Crowne Plaza Hotel Greenspoint (formerly Sofitel)
Dr. Martin Cassidy will tell us 1) How to avoid drilling into free CO2 gas (when you don’t want it) and 2) How to find it when you need it. Enhanced oil recovery projects have been waiting for adequate supplies of injectable CO2—but if you know where it is, you can get that extra 10-20% of oil out of your reservoir now! Register today for “Worldwide Distribution of Major Carbon Dioxide Deposits” and delight your engineer tomorrow…
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Environmental. & Engineering Dinner Meeting
Tuesday Oct. 16, Black Lab Pub (Churchill Room), Montrose
Michael A. Kurzy, P.E., Manager of Land Development Services, AEI Engineering Inc., tells us about “Structures in the Field – What You May Not See,” that is, things that may be important but aren’t readily visible at your site. Learn what to look for!
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Other Events
ESW Volunteer Orientation / Wiess Energy Hall training

Kara Bennett
Wednesday, October 3, 2007