International Year of Planet Earth


The International Year of Planet Earth is an initiative founded by the International Union of Geological Sciences (IUGS) and sponsored by the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO), and 38 partner organizations including NASA, the AAPG and GSA. There are now 70 National Committees. It was designed to foster outreach and research activities pertaining to Earth Science and will run from 2007 through 2009. Contributions such as funding of critical science projects, hosting Earth Awareness events, promoting sustainable use of Earth materials, and making geological map data more accessible have helped to fulfill IYPE's goal of making the planet a better, safer, healthier and wealthier place for our children and grandchildren. The HGS will support the worldwide effort by publicizing the organization and providing volunteers for IYPE events to be held in Houston.
To read more about the IYPE and to get involved, please visit  The latest newsletter can be found at, or even better, you can subscribe by going to"
                             The HGS Year of Planet Earth committee is headed by Ralph Baird, who is also on the Board of Officers and a Senior Advisor of the International IYPE. To volunteer or learn more contact Ralph at

Ralph Baird
Monday, August 11, 2008
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