Houston Geological Auxiliary/Houston Petroleum Auxiliary Council News

Houston Geological Auxiliary/Houston Petroleum Auxiliary Council News
by Millie Tonn, First Vice President
Beginning in September 2008, HGA/HPAC will be up and running as a newly integrated group of spouses from the four Petroleum Auxiliaries in Houston. The combined groups will be known as HPAC (Houston Petroleum Auxiliaries Council). The slate of officers for HPAC 2008–2009 is
President: Phyllis Carter, Petroleum Engineers
1st Vice President: Millie Tonn, Geological
2nd Vice President: Nan Pye, Geophysical
Secretary: Paulette Williams, Petroleum Engineers
Co-Treasurers: Wanda Shaw and Holly Dodds, Landmen
Editor: Lois Matuszak, Geological/Geophysical
Parliamentarian: Sherry McQuinn, Landmen
Executive Board: Norma Jean Jones, HGS Liaison
Maxine Hillman, SPE Liaison
Kathi Hilterman, GSH Liaison
Although HGA has joined HPAC, it does not affect or change the original purpose of HGA, which consists of assisting the HGS with conventions and mailings and serving as a social connection and network for HGS members and their spouses.
We are looking forward to having a very exciting fun-filled new year with strong participation from our members in the four social events planned for 2008–2009. The first event will be a “Getting to Know You” Luncheon at Lakeside Country Club on Thursday, September 25. Pat Austin and her musical ensemble, Classic Jazz, will be providing the entertainment.
If you have never been a member of HGA, now is the time to join HPAC by completing the form for membership in this edition of the Bulletin.
Come join us!

HGS Bulletin June 2008
Tuesday, June 3, 2008