[firstname], HGS Newsletter 8-May-08

HGS This Week
May 8 2008

Technical Meeting

HGS General Dinner Meeting

Monday, May 12 , 5:30 pm, Westchase Hilton
 Dr. Paolo Ballin (BP) talks about the deepwater  Holstein Field, in which stacked Pliocene turbidite sands are trapped in a large, steep, southeasterly-dipping monocline.  The field's rapid decline rates prompted a re-evaluation of what was thought to be pressure-isolated reservoirs.  The revised reservoir model re-characterizes the field as sandy sheets and channels that shingle to form genetically-related reservoirs.  The reservoirs are further complicated by a structural overprint of permeability-reducing deformation bands with variable transmissivities, allowing cross-flow between the complex reservoirs.

Dr. Ballin's 18 years in reservoir modeling with Petrobras, followed by his experience with the BP Technology group here in Houston, have made him an expert in this type of integrated reservoir analysis.  “Multi-Disciplinary Reservoir Description to Characterize Connectivity in a Complex Minibasin Fill:  an Integrated Approach at Holstein Field," should be an excellent program, so sign up now to attend.

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Sponsors: SeaBird Exploration; AOA Geophysics Thanks!

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Lilly Hargrave
Thursday, May 8, 2008