Help Needed in HGS Career Booth at Gem and Mineral Show

The annual Houston Gem and Mineral Show will take place on September 26-28.  Click here to see the Show flyer.  Several thousand school kids come through on Friday (Sep. 26) on field trips, and several hundred Scouts are there on Saturday and Sunday working on geology badges.  The Houston Geological Society's Career Booth is an integral part of both the field trip program and the scout activities. 

1.   A volunteer to organize the schedules for the three days.
2.   Volunteers to staff the booth for Friday, Saturday, and Sunday - preferably in 4-      hour shifts, but 2 hours if necessary.
Please contact Janet Combes to volunteer, at; h 281-463-1564; w 832-486-2160.  
Also, please forward this request to:

       -- anyone in your organization who’d be interested
       -- anyone who frequently attends the HGMS show
       -- any Scout leaders / geologists who might be interested

Janet Combes
Tuesday, August 19, 2008