HGS Newsletter 16-Jan-08

I hope you enjoyed the Monday January 14 dinner meeting with T. Boone Pickens. Joining the Houston Geological Society has many benefits, including supporting our great technical meeting program and getting discounts on meeting prices.  Download our recent membership brochure at: http://www.hgs.org/en/cms/?1630

Now is a great time to become a member of the Houston Geological Society! You will receive the color magazine HGS Bulletin at the beginning of each month, emails about upcoming events, and access to our online membership directory ,by becoming an Active or Associate member.

You can signup online at www.hgs.org , click on Join HGS on the left bar or use this link:

Questions? Email webmaster@hgs.org or call the HGS office at 713-463-9476.
Thanks for your attendance at Monday’s meeting!
Linda Sternbach, HGS President

T Boone Pickens

Linda Aternbach
Wednesday, January 16, 2008