HGS Newsletter 22-May-07

Tuesday May 29 North American Dinner meeting, Westchase HiltonOverton Cotton Valley Sand Field, Smith and Cherokee Counties Texas: Expansion, Development and Optimization of a Jurassic Tight Sandstone Reservoir
Speaker: Matt B. Williams and E. Blanche RamseySouthwestern Energy Production Co., Houston, TX Overton Field is located in Smith and Cherokee Counties, Texas, approximately 20 miles southeast of Tyler on the western flank of the Sabine uplift in the East Texas basin. The Field produces from the Taylor interval, the lowest member of the Jurassic Cotton Valley Sand.  The Taylor (CVS) in the field area has been divided into four mappable sand packages separated by shale intervals. The field has experienced both an initial development phase and a more recent significant expansion and infill.  Field production is currently in excess of 100MMCFD with over 300 wells drilled.http://www.hgs.org/en/cev/?703
Wednesday May 30HGS Downtown Luncheon, Petroleum Club, 800  Bell  St. Exxon BuildingThe Barnett Shale Play:  Phoenix of the Ft. Worth Basin, a Historyby Dan B. Steward,  Consulting Geologist with Republic Energy Inc in Dallas, Texas
Mitchell Energy performed its first Barnett test in 1982.  The well was the C.W. Slay #1 in southeast Wise County, a failed exploratory deepening for the Viola LS.  Many things had to come together in a timely manner for this test to have been considered.  The limited gas recovered on the initial frac gave enough encouragement to pursue a better understanding of this source rock and the technology that might be required to make this almost slate-like rock a producing reservoir.http://www.hgs.org/en/cev/?698
Guest Night June 16Speaker: Dr. Robert T. BakkerVisiting Curator of Paleontology   Houston Museum of Natural ScienceAmazing Fossils from the Permian of Texas--New Insights- New Ideas on Reptiles and Dinosaurs
Famous paleontologist, author, and lecturer, Dr. Bob Bakker, will talk at Guest Night about his new role as visiting Visiting Curator of Paleontology for the Houston Museum of Natural Science, which has him traveling between fossil dig sites in North Texas, Wyoming, and designing a world-class paleontology exhibit to be installed here in Houston.  Bob Bakker is one of modern paleontology''s greatest and most well known characters. He made a huge public splash with his entertaining 1986 book “Dinosaur Heresies: Unlocking the Mystery of the Dinosaurs and their Extinctions” explaining that dinosaurs were likely both warm-blooded, fast-moving, and related to birds.http://www.hgs.org/en/cev/?689
The International Explorationists Group is looking for an HGS member to schedule talks and coordinate the fall 2007/spring 2008 speaker schedule. Interested members please contact the International Group chairman, Tarek Ghazi, at tarek@geoknowledge.com.

Lilly Hargrave
Tuesday, May 22, 2007