25th Annual Skeet Shoot Goes Off with a Bang!

Well, the $140/bbl oil must be having a good effect on the HGS membership, because they showed up in record numbers (164 to be exact) on June 28th to take part in the 25th Annual HGS Skeet Shoot at the Greater Houston Gun Club in Missouri City. Gun club Manager Kevin Dougherty had the fields and grounds in top shape, and made sure that registration and scoring went off without a hitch. The weather cooperated, with no rain to speak of and some cloud cover to break the worst of the heat.

When the smoke cleared, Tim McGinty of ATP Oil & Gas was the "three-buckle winner." He not only shot a perfect skeet score of 50, but was half of the winning two-man flurry team. He topped it off by winning a commemorative belt buckle in the raffle. Then, during the awarding of the door prizes, Tim donated one of his trophy buckles for us to auction off to further benefit HGS. The spirit of giving back caught on with Alan Warwick of Century Exploration; he topped all the other bidders for Tim’s buckle, then donated it back to be given to the high-scoring lady shooter, Liz Edwards (44 out of 50). Tim then gave Alan his third buckle to repay
Alan’s generosity. Nice going, all of you!
The High Over All (HOA) race ended in a tie with two perfect scores of 50 from Tim McGinty and Dennis Moore, from Corpus Christi. Great shooting, guys! Other winning shooters were:

Two-man Flurry: Jeff Darrington/Terry Edwards--Winners by coin flip
Tim McGinty/Clark Walraven--Runners Up

Class "C" Runnerup-David Type
Class "C" Champ-Dixon Millican

Class "B" Runnerup -Rob Sawyer
Class "B" Champ-Winn Sellers

Class "A" Runnerup-Jeff Darrington
Class "A" Champ-Dietrich Landis

Class "AA" Runnerup-Barry Boyce
Class "AA" Champ-Richard Light

Huge thanks are due to our generous sponsors: Halliburton, for the BBQ lunch and caps, Schlumberger, for the towels and gift cards, and Geokinetics, for sponsoring a field and the ammunition. Other field sponsors were Drake Directional Drilling, Fairfield and Seitel Data. ATP Oil and Gas also sponsored the caps and donated the John Warner Memorial Cowboy Hat for the second year running. Beverage Sponsors were APEX Oil and Gas, Ameritex Minerals, Knowledge Reservoir and Petrolog. Other Ammunition Sponsors were CL&F Resources, Mariner Energy and Sanchez Oil & Gas. Cheyenne Petroleum, Houston Energy and Spartan Petroleum were Gold Sponsors, and Carr Resources, Dante Stefani, Alan Warwick, Russell Wilson and Bob West were Silver Sponsors.

Tom McCarroll
Friday, July 18, 2008