HGS Guest Night 2007 Survey, your input requested

Hello [firstname], HGS Guest Night SurveyYou are receiving this email because you registered for Guest Night June 16, 2007. I hope you were also able to attend with the nearly 400 other HGS members and their guests. We gave out shark teeth souvenirs at the event, so If you were unable to attend, just call the HGS office to arrange to pick yours up.For those of you who attended, I would like you to take a few minutes and provide me with some feedback and comments on your Guest Night experience. You dont have to answer all the questions, just select the ones important to you, or put a general comment at the bottom.Thanks.Bill OstenHGS Guest Night Chairman

What was the best thing about the evening?
Was there anything you did not like?
Did you like the museum as a location for the event?Was check-in easy?Was the food good?
Were the lines too long, do we need more buffet areas?How about the cash bar selection and prices?Did you like the new addition of the salad bar?Was there enough time to spend in the museum before the presentation in the IMAX auditorium?

Did you like the speaker?
Can you suggest a speaker for next year?
Did you like the student awards?
Did you like the IMAX movie, "Dinosaurs Alive"?
What can we do better?
Can we change the schedule to make it more enjoyable?
What about having more time in the museum, no guest speaker and a special IMAX movie?
Do you want to help out with next year's Guest Night.

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Lawrence Osten
Wednesday, June 27, 2007