Teacher of the Year Nominations

HGS Earth Science Teacher of the Year Award It is time to nominate this year''s HGS Teacher of the Year. The winner will receive a $1000 cash award from the HGS and will represent the HGS at the Section level of the GCAGS. The GCAGS Teacher of the Year winner will receive another $1000 and be nominated to the national level of AAPG. The AAPG Teacher of the Year will be granted $5000 plus an all expense paid trip to the 2006 AAPG national convention to receive the award. If your nominee is interested in pursuing this award, have them check out the GCAGS and AAPG for details, qualifications and forms. Forms and other required materials need to be sent to Awards Chairperson at the HGS Office by May 1, 2006. For more information go to the GCAGS web site at: www.gcags.org/teacheroftheYear.htm and the AAPG site at: foundation.aapg.org/tchr_of_year_award/index.cfm.

Mike Deming
Tuesday, March 14, 2006