HGS Online Dues Renewal Instructions

Instructions for HGS Online Membership Renewal
1. Log in to the HGS website.
NOTE: All current and past members of the HGS already have a login set up for this Website. Please do not register again, as the site will not recognize you as a member. If you cannot remember your username and password contact the HGS office for this information.
2. After you successfully login, click on the link My Memberships. This link can be found on the right side of the page, under Quick Links.
3. In your most recent record (there may be more than one) there will be a Renewal link highlighted in yellow. Click on this link to bring up the renewal form.
4. On the renewal form, your membership type will already be selected along with the appropriate membership fee. Choose a payment method (credit card or check). We prefer a credit card for the fastest online processing.
5. The next section, Complete the Application? Will allow you to update your membership details and contact information. If you know your contact information is complete and up-to-date, you can check “I am done, my application is complete.” If not, select “I still need to make changes in my application.” You must choose one option or the other to continue the online renewal.
6. Click on the Renew Membership button to bring up another form where you can enter your payment information and complete the transaction.
Problems / Questions? Email the HGS Webmaster Lilly, or call her at (713) 463-9476.

Lilly Hargrave
Tuesday, June 27, 2006
Member News