HGS Newsletter 1-May-07

The HGS has some news for you regarding this year''s voting campaign and upcoming special events: HGS Elections - Online Voting Closes May 7thHave you already submitted your ballot for this year''s HGS election?  We are happy to say that our voter turnout is up over recent years.  This may be in part because we are allowing our members the first time to vote electronically as well as by mail-in ballot.  If you have not yet voted, please take a few minutes and cast your vote.  You received an email from the webmaster in early April with your unique voting ID.  This will allow you to log in and register your choices from this year''s outstanding slate of candidates.  Thank you for taking a few minutes from your busy day to vote - we appreciate your time and interest in our society''s leadership! http://www.hgs.org/en/bal/?30 Continuing Education Course - next Thursday May 10: International Petroleum Economics
Location: Northside of Houston ar Noble Energy Conference Facility,
100 Glenborough. Suite 100
HGS is excited to bring you this informative one-day short course taught by Dennis Smith, the Chief Economist at IHS. He has over 30 years of experience in the international petroleum industry, and his aim is to "Removing the Mystery from International Petroleum Economics".The course will begin with a review of the concept of cash flow and time value of money and will progress through an explanation of royalty/tax systems and production sharing contracts (PSCs).  You will work in a hands-on and interactive environment such that the learnings are reinforced throughout exercises during the day.  The cost to attend is only $95 for members* ($70 for students), and $125 for non-HGS members if registered by May 7th. This low price includes continental breakfast, lunch, and an afternoon snack. Don''t miss this great opportunity to learn! http://www.hgs.org/en/cev/?741* Membership prices are extended to HGS, GSH, API Houston, HAPL, SIPES Houston, SPE Gulf Coast, SPEE Gulf Coast members. HGS Annual Guest Night at the Houston Museum of Natural ScienceOur annual HGS night at the Houston Museum of Natural Science (HMNS) has been scheduled for Saturday June 16th. We are delighted to have Dr. Bob Bakker, famous paleontologist and dinosaur expert, inspire and entertain on his current favorite topics of dinosaur research and his role in expanding the HMNS fossil dinosaur collection and Permian amphibians.  The evening will kickoff at 6:30 pm, with guests free to visit the fossils, rocks, minerals and energy halls.  We will also feature dinosaur casts and teaching exhibits related to the ongoing North TX dinosaur digs. Attendees will enjoy a TX-sized buffet dinner served in the exhibit halls, including beverages and dessert before Dr. Bakker''s talk in the IMAX theatre from 8-9 pm.  Door prizes will include beautiful minerals, fossils and dinosaur-themed keepsakes.  The IMAX theatre only has 400 seats which limits our capacity - do not miss out on this year''s special program.  Tickets are  $30 ($25 for students).Guest Night tends to sell out early - register early and secure your place. To register and for more details on the event and Dr. Bakker, please visit http://www.hgs.org/en/cev/?689


Lilly Hargrave
Tuesday, May 1, 2007