HGS Newsletter 20-Feb-07

                                2008  GCAGS Announcement

The 2008 GCAGS Annual Meeting will be held in Houston, Texas on October 13th and 14th, 2008 at the George R. Brown Convention Center. At this time we are soliciting suggestions for session topics in the technical program.  The technical format for the 2008 meeting will be extended abstracts similar to SEG. So please go to www.seg.org to look at the example in their abstract kit.  With this format, presenters, in each session, will have the opportunity to leave a documented record of their presentations that includes figures and references, and not simply be constrained to a 250 word abstract.   This is an exciting opportunity to assemble sessions that leave a documented record of the latest ideas, concepts, trends, and challenges facing geoscientists in Gulf Coast.  So, if you have a suggestion for a session topic, along with proposed names of some chairs (yourself or others), please contact the technical program chair: Art Donovan by April 15th, 2007. Contact Art  at: Art.Donovan@bp.com or 281-850-4312.

Art Donovan
Tuesday, February 20, 2007