December 4th Email Newsletter

 December 4, 2006
Up Coming Events Joint HGS/North American General Dinner
Sponsor: GGSSpeaker''s Name: Bradford Prather, ShellDay: Mon -Dec-11-06 5:30 PM
Location: Westchase Hilton 9999 Westheimer Rd. Houston, TX 77042 Summary: Thinking outside the pond: benchmarking performance expectations for deep-water reservoirs using analog data from the GoM B. E. Prather, C. J. O''Byrne, and C. Pirmez, all at Shell International E&P, Inc., Houston, TX
Industry has a considerable knowledge base from the central Gulf of Mexico (GoM) slope, yet to what extent can this database provide valid analogues for other slope systems? The GoM is viewed as an end-member above-grade ponded slope system in many conceptual models.  This end-member status leads to both a de-emphasis of the value of applying knowledge derived from the GoM elsewhere and the value of applying knowledge from other slope systems to the GoM.  But, the GoM slope contains examples of both a) ponded reservoirs (where receiving basin topography trapped entire flow volumes transported by variable flow sizes) and b) cases where flows of variable size and volume were far less affected by confining topography and hence have potential as partial analogues for comparable (dimensions, grainsize) systems in less topographically confined settings.
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Legendary Fields- Special Dinner Meeting
Speaker''s Name: Distinguished geologists, Shell, Soveriegn Energy, PemexDay: Mon 8-Jan-07 5:30 PM
Location: Westchase Hilton 9999 Westheimer Rd. Houston, TX Summary: Three Legendary Giant Fields and their Discovery StoriesBy HGS Vice President Andrea Reynolds, co-written by Linda Sternbach  Field name   Zafiro field location   Equatorial Guinea, offshore west Africa, near the Nigeria borderOperator:  ExxonMobil and Devon EnergyReserve size  1.2 billion barrels in several satellite fieldsDiscovery date  Prospect mapped in 1993, field discovered-1995 Field name    Mars field location   offshore U.S. Gulf of Mexico, Mississippi Canyon.Operator:  Shell Offshore/BPReserve size  700 Million BarrelsDiscovery date  Prospect mapped in 1986, field discovered-1989 Field name   Cantarell field location   offshore Yucatan Peninsula, MexicoOperator:  Pemex Exploración y Producción (PEP)Reserve size  11 billion barrels produced, 7 Billion remaining (source:Pemex)Discovery date  discovered-1976, first oil-1979
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Lilly Hargrave
Tuesday, December 5, 2006