Important Voting Instructions For HGS

The Houston Geological Society election voting period opens in April 2007 and continues to May 7, 2007
This email contains valuable information to help HGS members vote online for the following candidates: President-Elect, Vice-President, Secretary, Treasurer_Elect, Editor-Elect and HGS Directors. This email contains instructions only and is not the ballot you will use to vote.
A second email will be sent  that will have the ballot weblink. The email with the ballot will contain a link to go to a secure webpage and vote for HGS candidates of your choice using a personal Voting ID number.
When you get the second email with ballot website link and your personal voting number- do the following:Go to the HGS Website at WWW.HGS.ORG Logon to the HGS Website with your member user name and password (If you don't remember your  user name and password contact the HGS Webmaster) Click the link on the E-Mail  and you will be taken to the voting page On the voting page, input the unique voting ID number located on the email. Each member has a unique voting ID number.  Please do not share your number with anyone. You will be taken to the candidate list page. Cast your votes by clicking on the boxes next to the candidate names. You will also see the candidate bio's that you can read to help you decide on the candidate you want to vote for. When you are done selecting candidates, click the "submit vote" button at the bottom of the page.  The HGS Website committee and HGS Webmaster have worked with the programmers to make the online voting process efficient and easy to use. If you have suggestions for improvements or encounter any problems with the new online voting process, please contact the Website Committee Chair (Bill Osten) or HGS Webmaster (Lilly Hargrave at ).

Lilly Hargrave
Monday, April 2, 2007