February 2006 HGS Bulletin

In Every Issue
From the President by Dave Rensink
From the Editor by Paul Britt
Webnotes by Art Berman
Technical Meetings
HGS General Dinner Meeting
Exploration Implications of Different Structural Styles
and Processes of the Ultra-Deep Shelf Province,
Northern Gulf of Mexico
HGS International Explorationists Dinner Meeting
New Insights into South Atlantic Rifting from the
Santos and Campos Basins, Offshore Brazil —
A Tale of Two Basins
SIPES Luncheon Meeting
Twilight in the Desert: The Coming Saudi Oil Shock
and the World Economy
HGS Northsiders Luncheon Meeting
West Cameron 76 Field and Deep Lower Tertiary
Framework Revealed Using Sequence Stratigraphy
Integrated with SPICE
Joint HGS/HAPL Luncheon Meeting
MMS Plan for Deep- and Ultra-Deepwater Leasing
in the Gulf Of Mexico and Assessing 2005 Hurricane
Damage to the Outer Continental Shelf
HGS North American Explorationists
Dinner Meeting
Structural Architecture, Petroleum Systems and
Geological Implications for the New Hydrocarbon
Province of the Covenant Field Discovery, Sevier
County, Utah
Other Features
AAPG Convention Set for April 9–12
Working for America’s Energy Future and a Quality
Volunteers of the Month
Government Update
The Ozone Hole—A Crisis Averted?

Click here to download a copy of the February 2006 Bulletin

Arthur E. Berman, HGS Webmanager
Sunday, January 29, 2006
Houston Geological Society Bulletins