HGS Newsletter 28-Apr-08

Hello [firstname],
HGS This Week
April 28, 2008
HGS International & North American Joint Dinner Meeting
TONIGHT! Mon April 28, Westchase Hilton
Did the growth of enormous floating mats of freshwater ferns over 800,000 years in the Arctic sequester enough atmospheric CO2   to transform the atmosphere from the supergreenhouse conditions of the Mesozoic to the modern bipolar 'icehouse' condition?  And was this massive carbon drawdown the reason for the deposition of massive source rocks in the Arctic at this time?  Find out, when Dr. Jonathon Bujak (Bujak Research Ltd.) speaks on "From Greenhouse to Icehouse – The Azolla Trigger Implications for Climate Change and Arctic Petroleum Source Rocks."  This should be a fascinating talk, and a good chance to catch up on current petroleum geology research in the Arctic at a number of universities.

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HGS General Luncheon
Weds April 30, Petroleum Club, 11:30 am
Zeke Snow gives us a glimpse of a near catastrophic release of salt pressure during the Pliocene in the Gulf of Mexico, resulting in almost a kilometer of bathymetric relief as shallow salt was emplaced.  Come hear the details, in "The Great Pliocene Salt Squirt – Mechanics of Folding along the Down-dip Limit of Salt, Gulf of Mexico."  This should be a great talk! 

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Lilly Hargrave
Monday, April 28, 2008