HGS Newsletter 7-Apr-08

Hello [firstname],

HGS Continuing Education Symposium

Petroleum Systems of Undiscovered Oil and Gas Resources
in Tertiary and Cretaceous-Tertiary of
the Gulf Coast Region

Thurs April 24, 8:30 am - 4:30 pm
TBEG Houston Research Center, 11611 W. Little York
Program includes notes, coffee service and boxed lunch.

Register Now

In an excellent series of publications, the USGS has identified petroleum systems in the Tertiary and Cretaceous-Tertiary of the Gulf Coast.  This symposium will present the yet unpublished update to the series, and provides excellent information for anyone working in the onshore Gulf of Mexico and state waters.  This is the first update of this information since 1995, and we are delighted to get the pre-release information in this seminar.
Ten USGS experts will cover details of the petroleum systems and provide an assessment of conventional oil and gas resources as well as coalbed gas resources for the Gulf Coast from Midway to Recent strata.  We are very lucky to have this program:  these folks will ONLY be here this once, as they are based in Virginia and are passing through on their way home from AAPG San Antonio.
Technical Program:
Peter D. Warwick, Russell F. Dubiel, and James L. Coleman:  “Overview of USGS methodology used to assesses undiscovered oil and gas resources in Tertiary strata of the Gulf Coast Region and definition of a Total Petroleum System boundary.”
Elisabeth L. Rowan, Peter D. Warwick, and Janet K. Pitman: “Regional-scale, 1D modeling of thermal maturation history for the Paleocene-Eocene Wilcox Group, Texas coastal plain.”
Philip H. Nelson:  ”Overpressure, stress gradients, and hydrocarbon accumulations in Tertiary strata, Gulf Coast of Louisiana.”
Ofori N. Pearson, Janet K. Pitman, and Russell F. Dubiel:   “Restoration and structural interpretation of seismic lines in southern Louisiana - implications for undiscovered hydrocarbon accumulations.”
Peter D. Warwick:  “Assessment of undiscovered, technically recoverable oil and natural gas resources of the Lower Paleogene Midway and Wilcox Groups, and Carrizo Sand, Claiborne Group, onshore gulf of Mexico Basin, U.S.A.”
Paul C. Hackley:  “Assessment of undiscovered conventional oil and gas resources, Middle-Upper Eocene Claiborne Group, Gulf of Mexico onshore and State waters, USA.”
James L. Coleman, Jr. and Daniel O. Hayba: “Assessment of undiscovered, technically recoverable oil and natural gas resources of the Eocene Jackson and Oligocene Vicksburg Groups, onshore Gulf of Mexico Basin, U.S.A.”
Sharon M. Swanson and Alexander W. Karlsen: “Assessment of undiscovered oil and gas resources in the Oligocene Frio and Anahuac Formations, onshore Gulf of Mexico Basin, U.S.A.”
Russell F. Dubiel, Ofori N. Pearson, Janet K. Pitman, and Steven M. Condon:  “Geology and assessment of undiscovered conventional oil and gas resources in Neogene strata of the Gulf Coast, U.S.A.”
Peter D. Warwick:  “Assessment of undiscovered technically recoverable gas resources in Cretaceous-Tertiary coal beds of the Gulf Coast Region.”

Lilly Hargrave
Monday, April 7, 2008