HGS Newsletter 4-Apr-08


HGS This Week
April  5, 2008 
HGS Continuing Education Symposium: 
Petroleum Systems of Undiscovered Oil and Gas Resources
in Tertiary and Cretaceous-Tertiary of the Gulf Coast Region
Thurs April 24, 8:30 am - 4:30 pm
TBEG Houston Research Center, 11611 W. Little York

In an excellent series of publications, the USGS has identified petroleum systems in the Tertiary and Cretaceous-Tertiary of the Gulf Coast.  This symposium will present the yet unpublished update to the series, and provides excellent information for anyone working in the onshore Gulf of Mexico and state waters.  This is the first update of this information since 1995, and you’ll hear it here first!
Ten USGS experts (complete agenda available next email) will cover details of the petroleum systems and provide an assessment of conventional oil and gas resources as well as coalbed gas resources for the Gulf Coast from Midway to Recent strata.  We are very lucky to have this program:  these folks will ONLY be here this once, as they are based in Virginia and are passing through on their way home from AAPG San Antonio.
Our speakers will be: 
Peter D. Warwick                       Russell F. Dubiel
James L. Coleman                     Elisabeth L. Rowan
Janet K. Pitman                         Philip H. Nelson
Ofori N. Pearson                       Paul C. Hackley
Daniel O. Hayba                        Sharon M. Swanson
Alexander W. Karlsen                Steven M. Condon
Margaret A. Keller
Prepaid registration                    
HGS Members $ 95         
Non-members $  115
Walk-ins (Space available basis)  
HGS Members  $ 115               
Non-members $  135

Limited to 80 attendees, so sign up asap to get your seat. (Web pre-registration will be open by Monday at the latest).
HGS General Dinner Meeting

Kara Bennett
Friday, April 4, 2008