HGS Newsletter 5-Feb-08

                                        HGS This Week
                                          Feb 5, 2008

HGS General Dinner Meeting
February 11
Westchase Hilton Hotel
Dan Tearpock, SCA
Professionalism as it Applies to Petroleum Geoscience

Professionalism is a key and fundamental aspect of delivering on our promises and conducting ourselves in an ethical manner.
This talk discusses "Professionalism" in petroleum geoscience and highlights the important factors such as educational background, experience, knowledge of recommended practices, the use of advanced technology, and last but not least, personal values – Ethics.
Professionalism encompasses our use of technical practices and standards, and our character and moral consciousness that ultimately defines who we are and the reputation that will follow us through our professional career.

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Stop by the HGS Booth at NAPE Feb 7-8 at George R Brown Convention center.
HGS volunteers at the booth have application forms available to join HGS. Cost to join as an active or associate member is $24.
The HGS Membership Directory will be available at the NAPE booth for members to purchase for $15. People who want to pick up a printed HGS Membership Directory after NAPE can contact the HGS office at (sandra@hgs.org) or Micheal Benrud (Directory Committee) at mbenrud@sbres.com.


Linda Sternbach
Tuesday, February 5, 2008