HGS Newsletter 23-Jan-08

                           Houston Geological Society
                                      This Week

                                 January 23,2008

Inaugural 2008 HGS/GSH NeoGeos T^2 Meeting
Thur Jan 8, Flying Saucer 705 Main Street
Neogeos Social: 
Come catch up on all of the happenings of your NeoGeo friends, or meet new ones at the first NeoGeos event of 2008.  During our winter hibernation,  the NeoGeos have been born anew  to officially include members of GSH.  Let’s make our G&G brethren welcome.  See you then. 

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North American Dinner Meeting
Mon Jan 28, Westchase Hilton, 5:30 pm

Robert Clarke of Wood Mackenzie updates us on current trends in "Independents drive Gulf Coast growth through Barnett Shale, Cotton Valley, Deep Bossier, and Wilcox activity."

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HGS General Luncheon
Wed Jan 30, Petroleum Club, 11:30 am
Chris Edwards of Exxon Mobil takes us into the heart of a deepwater turbidite fan, using an ultra-high resolution 3D seismic volume.  Seismic resolution estimated at 1-2 m provides a 3D image at bedset-scale that cannot be matched by either outcrop or conventional seismic data.
Come see an excellent case study depicting the internal architecture of the latest Pleistocene Upper Fan of the Trinity-Brazos slope system in "Temporal and spatial evolution of a deepwater turbidite fan as revealed by ultra-high resolution 3D seismic data, East Breaks, Gulf of Mexico," from Chris and his co-authors, Paul Dunn, Victor Abreu, David Hoyal, Benjamin Sheets, and Roger Bloch.
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Kara Bennett
Wednesday, January 23, 2008