Welcome Website Visitors

Welcome Visitors

October 2005 
Dear Houston Geological Society (HGS) Website Visitor,

We hope that you find our website to be interesting and useful. Located in the capital of the petroleum business, the HGS is the largest local geological society in the world.

HGS offers professional luncheon and dinner meetings which are designed to accommodate a variety of technical interests at several Houston locations each month.  In addition, the HGS holds numerous social and sporting events to facilitate networking and to keep members connected. 

Although most of our members live in Houston, we also have members all over the world who enjoy receiving our publication, The HGS Bulletin.  It is published from September through June, and contains interesting articles, columns, and abstracts of our upcoming meetings and events – as well as industry-wide advertisements and announcements.

Joining the Houston Geological Society is easy and rewarding.  Simply return to our website’s membership page at  http://www.hgs.org/join_hgs/join_hgs.asp for details.  If you have any questions, comments, or suggestions, feel free to contact the Membership committee at memberships@hgs.org.

As a member, you will receive all of the benefits the HGS has to offer.  We hope you return regularly to our website, and we look forward to serving you as a new member.
Andrea Reynolds & Marsha Bourque
HGS Membership Committee co-chairs

Membership Committee
Tuesday, October 18, 2005