2006 AAPG Convention Call for Abstracts

Time to Submit Papers for
the 2006 AAPG Convention in Houston!

The AAPG convention committee thinks the April 9-12, 2006 AAPG Houston convention is the time and place for a landmark convention. The Houston Geological Society plays a key role. The time for action is now.
Deadline for submission of technical papers is fast approaching: Oct. 4th, 2005.  Please consider submitting a paper and forward this e-note to colleagues who might consider presenting a paper or poster.  The Call for Papers and other details on participating in the technical program can be found on the AAPG Website.
The program favors a practical approach intended to benefit geoscientists in their daily searching. The theme of the convention is "Perfecting the Search", highlighting the economics, creativity, ingenuity, persistence, and synergies of disciplines that find energy. Papers in those categories are especially welcome.
Charles Sternbach
(281) 679-7333

Published 16 September, 2005

Charles Sternbach
Friday, September 16, 2005