GCAGS Convention in New Orleans September 25th-27th, 2005

Are You Coming to New Orleans?
Pre-registration deadline is August 31!
Visit our GCAGS website: www.gcags2005.com for details
We’re Proud of our Program!
55th Annual GCAGS-GCSSEPM Convention
Gulf Coast Geological Gumbo: a recipe for success!
September 25th – 27th, 2005
New Orleans, Louisiana

  •  Keynote Speaker: Mr. Robert Ryan Jr., General Manager – Global Exploration, Chevron Corporation.
  • 1st time special event: Restoring America’s Coastal Heartland; A Symposium on Coastal Processes and Restoration.
  • Arnold Bouma Turbidite Symposium, honoring Dr, Bouma’s career.
  • Technical presentations are applicable topics such as case studies, emerging trends, and new concepts from onshore to deepwater.
  • Four Short Courses: Seal Workshop; ArcGis for Geologists; Seismic Sedimentology; Reservoir Potential Shelf-Edge, Downslope Deposits.
  • Three Field Trips: Geomorphology of Point Bars, Floodplains; Geology and Coastal Restoration; Landscape Expressions of Faults.
  • All Convention Luncheon, Monday September 26th, featuring Mr. David Kerstein, Helis Oil & Gas.
  • DPA Luncheon will feature Lee Gerhard and the GCS-SEPM Luncheon will feature William Morgan.
  • Opening Sessions and Awards, Sunday September 25th, 4:00 p.m. followed by an icebreaker.
  • Monday night entertainment/dinner/jazz band at Mardi Gras World; enjoy behind the scenes magic of Mardi Gras.
  • Spouse and Guests activities: tours and dining with our own unique ‘New Orleans Flavor’

Published 24 August, 2005

Wednesday, August 24, 2005