HGS Community Outreach Committee

HGS Community Outreach
The HGS Community Outreach committee plans to be sending special emails to people interested in frequent updates on our society''s Outreach activity.  In addition, there will be a web page on the HGS site outlining what you can do to support their efforts.  As usual, Outreach events will also be posted on the HGS calendar.
This email is being sent to everyone who has signed up (or who I signed up) for the HGS Community Outreach Committee user group on the HGS Website.  You can remove yourself from this mailing list by clicking on the small print at the bottom of this email or by logging into the HGS Website and unsubscribing from the Outreach Committee User Group.
Please encourage your friends to join us in this effort.  To sign up for this Newsletter, log in to the HGS website and click on "Groups" at the top of the users page http://www.hgs.org/en/users/
Members of the Outreach Committee are listed at http://www.hgs.org/en/cmt/?58
Dave Crane, HGS Webmaster

Friday, September 2, 2005