HGS Guest Night Tsunami Talk Video

A video of the 2005 Guest Night presentation by Dr. David Applegate of the USGS is available on the HGS Website.  Lessons from Sumatra: Reducing Earthquake and Tsunami Risk Worldwide is a one-hour presentation that you can watch in real-time if you have a high-speed Internet connection. Alternatively, you can download the 45 Mb file to your computer for later viewing.  (To download the file in Windows, right-click on the link and "Save as" to your hard drive.)

Dr. Applegate''s original Power Point presentation is also available.  It''s a large file, 89 megabytes, and will take quite a while to load or download.  The best combined use of these files, if you have a high-speed connection, is to download them both, then open them simultaneously in Windows Media Player and PowerPoint (or a browser), then listen to the audio while manually synchronizing the PowerPoint slides with the video presentation.  The PowerPoint slides are much easier to read that way.

A note about format:

The Guest Night video is a file with the suffix ".wmv" which means that it is in Windows Media Player format.  To be precise, it''s an MPEG4 file in a Windows Media Player wrapper.  Whether you are using Windows on an IBM-PC compatible or you have an Apple Macintosh, it''s easiest to read if you have some version of Windows Media Player installed. Linux and Unix users have several other solutions available to them.
This material is presented with the permission of Dr. David Applegate, USGS, Reston, VA.

Sunday, July 3, 2005