HGS Updates and Reminders -- June, 2005

HGS Updates and Reminders
June, 2005
HGS Project Respect
Sponsor: HGS
Day: Saturday, 18-Jun-05 7:00 AM until noon
Location: Evergreen Negro Cemetery & Finnigan Park Lockwood at Market
Summary: The Houston Chronicle will be sending a photographer to visit the Evergreen Negro Cemetery this Saturday morning. In addition, several Texas A&M University geoscience professors will be testing the Ground Penetrating Radar equipment.
HGS Skeet Shoot
Sponsor: HGS
Day: Saturday, 18-Jun-05 9:00 AM - 1:30 PM
Location: HGS Skeet Shoot 6702 McHard Road Missouri City, Texas
Summary: 22nd Annual HGS Skeet Shoot. The tournament is a 50-target event.  Shells are provided.  Bring your own eye and ear protection.  Download the form and register now.

HGS/GSH Saltwater Tournament
Sponsor: HGS and GSH
Day: Saturday, 25-Jun-05 7:00 AM - 5:30 PM
Location: Teakwood Marina Village of Tiki Island, Galveston, TX
Summary: 5th ANNUAL HGS and GSH SALTWATER TOURNAMENT  We are looking forward to a big event that your whole family can enjoy
Trophies will be awarded for the heaviest individual Redfish (Non-Tagged), Speckled Trout and Flounder for the Anglers, Junior Anglers, and Lady Anglers. Trophies will also be awarded for the heaviest individual Stringer - 1 Redfish, 3 Speckled Trout, and 1 Flounder.
Download the form to register for the fishing tournament.

Published 17 June, 2005 

Friday, June 17, 2005