HGA / Geowives News -- June, 2005

HGA News

By: Norma Jean Jones, President
I am delighted and honored to have been elected as the Houston Geological Society Auxiliary President for the 2005-2006 year.  I will endeavor to serve the organization to the very best of my ability.  Margaret Eisenhardt Jones, outgoing President and the Board of 2004-2005 are to be congratulated on an exceptionally fine year.  Each social has been well attended and thoroughly enjoyed.
Congratulations to Shirley Gordon, upon receiving the HGS-HGA 2004-2005 Distinguished Service Award.   Shirley is certainly deserving of this award.
Our annual Business Meeting and luncheon was held at the Briar Club on Thursday, May 12.  The membership and guests all enjoyed a lovely lunch and musical entertainment by The Kingsmen.  A sincere thanks to Lois Matuzak and her committee for an excellent event.  After lunch, a brief business meeting was held, and the new officers were installed.
In reviewing the slate of dedicated and talented officers elected to serve this year, I fell confident that HGA will have another great year.  Let me introduce you to the 2005-2006 Board:
President Norma Jean Jones
President-Elect Sally Blackhall
First Vice President Winona LaBrant Smith
Second Vice President Norma Jean Bacho
Third Vice President Edie Bishop
Secretary Vicky Pickering
Treasurer Betty Alford
Historian/Photographer Suzy Stepanek, Myrtis Trowbridge
Parliamentarian/Past President Margaret Jones
 1. Mary Harle
 2.  Margaret Jones
 3. Anne Rogers
 4. Millie Tonn
A highlight of next year will be the AAPG National Convention to be held in Houston in April, 2006.  The HGA has received word that members of the HGA will be called upon to assist with the Ladies’ Hospitality Room and Activities.  I hope that all members will keep this in mind and be prepared to volunteer as opportunities arise, to help the Houston Geological Society make this a very successful event.
Please make note of news from your summer vacations and activities and report them for the Eclectic Log.
We want to encourage all wives of HGS members and all female geologists interested in joining the Auxiliary to fill out the membership application form printed in the HGS Bulletin and get your application and dues in soon, so that your name and address can be included in the Year Book.  Our first social will be held in September and we will be advising you regarding details of our five upcoming events.
HGS Guest Night is June 11, 2005.  Dr. David Applegate, USGS Senior Seismic Advisor, will speak on “Magnitude 9 Tsunami and Earthquakes, Learning from Indonesia’s Experience”.  This will be at the Houston Museum of Science, from 6:30 to 10:00 P.M.  Ladies, join your spouses or friends for a fun evening.

HGS Bulletin -- June, 2005
Wednesday, June 1, 2005
HGA / GeoWives