October, 2005 HGS Bulletin

Download the October, 2005 HGS Bulletin in PDF format.

11 HGS General Dinner Meeting; The Subsalt Tahiti Field Discovery, Green Canyon 640: Opening Another Deepwater Frontier
15 HGS International Explorationists Dinner Meeting; Basins of Offshore Peru: New Exploration Framework and Plays
19 HGS Northsiders Luncheon Meeting; Subsurface Vents Under the Gulf of Mexico Shelf: Characteristics and Significance for Hydrocarbon Migration and Trapping
21 HGS North American Explorationists; Dinner Meeting; New Insights on the Hydrocarbon System of the Fruitland Formation Coalbeds, San Juan Basin
23 HGS General Luncheon Meeting; Depositional Model for Deepwater Miocene Reservoirs in the Jubilee and Spiderman Gas Fields, Eastern Gulf of Mexico
39 SIPES Luncheon Meeting; Read it and Weep

Other Features
26 Past President’s Luncheon
28 Making Tracks on the Paluxy River, by Neal Immega
35 Earth Science Education; Get in on the Ground Level, by Neal Immega
37 Geoscientists Explore Our Earth; Family Earth Science Festival Schedule of Events
41 HGS Hurricane Katrina Assistance Program
43 Government Update; by Henry M.Wise and Arlin Howles
47 Guest Editorial: The Debate Over Subsidence in Coastal Louisiana and Texas by Arthur E. Berman

Paul Britt
Saturday, October 1, 2005
Houston Geological Society Bulletins