AAPG Convention Set For Houston April 9-12, 2006

AAPG Annual Convention Set for Houston
April 9-12, 2006

 By Charles A. Sternbach, AAPG convention general chairman
HGS getting ready to host Texas-sized convention!
The annual 2006 AAPG convention will arrive only 10 months from now to downtown Houston at the George R. Brown Convention Center. Following the 2005 Calgary Convention in June, AAPG organizers are anticipating high attendance when the annual convention returns to home turf. Event and technical program planning for 2006 has been underway for more than a year.  Planning will soon shift into high gear, and HGS members will once again be at the forefront as organizers and participants. Technical papers need to be submitted by mid-October, 2005, and now is a good time to start getting ideas.
Much new since 2002 Convention.
Four years ago, in 2002, HGS hosted the AAPG Annual Convention. The 2002 AAPG convention in Houston set a 21-year attendance record (7800 participants).  Houston—a city renowned for technology, a rich petroleum history, a “can-do” attitude, and a global outlook has more to offer now than ever. Houston’s downtown has undergone serious revitalization. Downtown has new restaurants, an Aquarium and entertainment complex, as well as professional baseball at Minute Maid Park. A new world-class hotel, the Hilton Americas, conveniently adjoins the George R. Brown Convention center. Outside of downtown, there is a new BEG Core facility in NW Houston.
The Houston Convention committee is fortunate to have a strong and vital volunteer base of HGS members, seasoned veterans from previous AAPG conventions, leaders from HGS and leaders of the oil and gas profession. Among more than 35 talented convention leaders are: Deborah Sacrey (Auburn Energy) and Dan Tearpock (Subsurface Consultants Associates), general vice co-chairs; Bob Merrill (Samson), technical program coordinator; and Gonz Enciso (Spinnaker), sponsorship chair.
“Perfecting the Search” is the 2006 Convention theme
The AAPG Convention committee is creating a program to make our theme of “Perfecting the Search” come alive. Technical sessions will focus on how we learn from success and failure to become better geoscientists and explorers. An additional theme is: “Delivering on Promises,” in recognition that exploration is not only a science but also a business. AAPG Convention business forums will provide leadership and vision, while examining promises we make to investors, to our profession, to an energy-hungry world, and to each other.
Technical Program themes include:

  • Successful Business Strategies
  • Learning from exploration and exploitation successes, failures and mistakes
  • Giant fields of the world, their implications and what they have to teach us
  • Perfecting the search for unconventional plays and technology
  • Integrating geology, geophysics and engineering to deliver success
  • Reservoir characterization and modeling
  • Stratigraphy and petroleum Systems
  • Structure and tectonics
  • Play openers and where they are leading us
  • Delivering resources and environmental quality for a sustainable future

In addition to sessions on discoveries, case studies, and techniques, program highlights include:

  • AAPG Divisions and SEPM are planning Luncheons with top speakers. We are pleased to announce that Mr. Rex Tillerson, president and director of Exxon Mobil Corporation, will share his vision for our energy future at the All-Convention Luncheon.
  • For the first time at an AAPG meeting, CEO’s will address the financial community in an all day forum called “Energizing the World in the 21st Century”.
  • Industry leaders will speak in the timely forum: “Reserves Estimations: Case Histories”
  • Global leaders from the Middle East, Far East, Russia, South America, Africa, and elsewhere will share perspectives in the forum “Perfecting Relationships with National Oil Companies, Business Partners, Customers and Communities”.
  • SEPM technical forums on sequence stratigraphy and deepwater sedimentation.

Field trips will bring back favorites like the Hockley Salt Dome, with new destinations as well. Short courses will be practical and effective. There will be a Giant Fields Sample and Rock Core conference.
Since this Convention will be held at the height of the wildflower season, it wouldn''t be complete without a Spouse event to Brenham to taste ice cream, visit rose gardens and all the amenities in the area. Trips to spas, tours through sports facilities will also be offered as "get out of the hotel" temptations! 
Also, spend an evening watching white tigers and tiger sharks at the Aquarium, which will be one of the highlights of the Convention.  This brand-new venue in the downtown area has incredible fish tanks, animals and even a "midway" for those adventurous enough to ride the rides!  We are expecting to have a sell-out crowd."
What can you do?

  • Submit a paper- watch for the Call for Papers in the July AAPG Explorer.
  • Chair or co-chair a session - contact Bob Merrill
  • Judge a session- contact George Klein for oral presentations or Pat Gordon for poster sessions.
  • Sponsor or help raise sponsorship- contact Gonz Enciso
  • Offer to help or give advice relating to your area of interest- contact Charles Sternbach, Deborah Sacrey or Dan Tearpock.
  • Attend and benefit from the convention- plan now, tell a friend, and reserve the dates!
HGS Bulletin -- June, 2005
Wednesday, June 1, 2005
Houston Geological Society Bulletins