HGS Newsletter -- May, 2005

Houston Geological Society Newsletter
May, 2005

HGS Events Calendar

Technical Programs

May 9. HGS General Dinner Meeting, Cindy Yeilding, Global Geoscience Manager at BP, discusses the pros and cons of computer visualization.  She''ll be showing us that, while the technology is very powerful, there remain many useful non-computerized techniques that haven''t yet been duplicated and that would serve us well to remember and use.  It should be an eye-opening, thought-provoking program.  Westchase Hilton, Social 5:30, Dinner 6:30.
May 16. HGS International Explorationists DinnerNOTE SPEAKER CHANGE!   Katrina Coterill of Vanco Energy will speak on "The Evolution of Submarine Channel, Canyon and Fan Systems as Evidenced on West African Seafloor Images and Spectral Analysis of 3D Seismic Data in Offshore Morocco." Westchase Hilton, Social 5:30, Dinner 6:30.
May 17. HGS Northsiders Luncheon, Larry Zarra, ChevronTexaco, "The Wilcox: Outcrop to Deepwater."  Hotel Sofitel, 11:30 am.
May 17. HGS Environmental/Engineering Dinner, David Reel, "City of Houston''s Brownfield Redevelopment Program."  Guadalajara Hacienda, 5:30 pm.
May 20. HGS Short Course.  Part 3 of Petroleum Reserves--Avoiding Write-downs, "Overview of Recommended Engineering Practices."  This popular course series wil show you how to avoid the pitfalls that have caused reserve write-downs.  Each unit is free-standing, so you don''t have to have attended the earlier (sold-out) courses to come to this one.  Register by May 14 for the discounted price.
May 25. HGS General Luncheon.  We''re pleased to have well-known Barnett Shale expert (and current AAPG President) Pat Gratton presenting "Barnett Shale, Big and Getting Bigger."  Petroleum Club, Social 11:15, Lunch 11:45 am.

Other Events

Don''t forget to vote!
HGS Board and officer ballots must be received by May 6th.
May 18. AAPG Town Hall Meeting, 6-8 pm, Marriott Westchase.  Come hear about AAPG''s plans for the future and make your opinions known.
May 20. HGS Tennis Tournament, Houston Racquet Club, 11:45 am.
June 9. HGS Night at The Houston Ballet.  Come see "Giselle" at a discounted HGS price.  Contact Marsha Bourque, 713-789-9525.
June 11 is HGS Guest Night!  Come join your fellow HGS members and bring your guests at the Houston Museum of Natural Science.  This year David Applegate, head of the USGS Earthquake Hazards program, will speak on "Lessons of Sumatra, Reducing Earthquake Risk Worldwide," in the IMAX amphitheater, followed by the IMAX film, "Forces of Nature."  Stroll through the exhibits and have BBQ and fajitas catered by Goode Co. BBQ.  Registration is now open on the HGS website, and will close as soon as we reach our 400 limit, so buy your ticket early and pay online to be sure it''s yours.  This is a great event and a sellout every year!

Plan to attend 2005 Technofest August 2, 2005!
Details to be announced soon.

Published 3 May, 2005

Tuesday, May 3, 2005