May, 2005 HGS Bulletin

May, 2005 HGS Bulletin in HTML Format
May, 2005 HGS Bulletin in PDF Format (6 megabytes)
Regular Monthly Articles:

From the President
From the Editor
GeoEvents Calendar
Professional Directory
Letters to the Editor

Feature Articles:
HGS General Dinner Meeting "Is the Workstation ''Killing'' Geology?"

HGS International Explorationists Dinner Meeting "Deep Water Clastic Turbidites of NW Borneo"
HGS Northsiders Luncheon Meeting "Wilcox Depositional Systems - Shelf to Deep Basin"

HGS Environmental and Engineering Dinner Meeting  "The City of Houston''s Brownfield Redevelopment Program"
SIPES Luncheon Meeting "Reservoir Modeling for the Rest of Us"
GSH Potential Fields Dinner Meeting "Gravity Study of a Sinkhole in the Permian Basin"
HGS General Luncheon Meeting "Barnett Shale Play: Big and Getting Bigger"

Volunteer of the Month: Mike Allison
An Interview wih Joel Bartsch, President of the HMNS: Gold, Re-opening of the Weiss Energy Hall and Hall of Gems and Minerals, and Distinguished Lectures on Earthquakes and Tsunamis by Arthur E. Berman

HGS Guest Night, Saturday "Earthquakes and Tsunami," Featuring USGS Senior Science Advisor Dr. David Applegate by Linda Sternbach and Bill Osten.
HGS Guest Night Speaker David Applegate is a Field Geologist at Heart by Linda Sternbach.
2004-2005 Outstanding Student Awards

HGS Bulletin
Sunday, May 1, 2005
Houston Geological Society Bulletins