September, 2005 HGS Bulletin

September, 2005 HGS Bulletin in PDF format.  (8 megabytes)

Technical Meetings
  7 From the Editor by Paul Britt
27 HGS General Dinner Meeting
31 HGS International Explorationists Dinner Meeting
36 GeoEvents Calendar
43 HGS Northsiders Luncheon Meeting
49 HGS Environmental and Engineering Dinner Meeting
53 HGS North American Explorationists Dinner Meeting
55 HGS General Luncheon Meeting
59 SIPES Luncheon Meeting
61 GSH Potential Fields Group Dinner Meeting
64 Webnotes
68 HGA/GeoWives
69 Professional Directory
Other Features
9 Letters to the Editor
19 Guest Night 2005’s “Lessons from Sumatra”
25 HGS Night at the Houston Ballet
50 City of Houston’s Brownfield Redevelopment Program
51 Brownfield Redevelopment Program
63 5th Annual GSH/HGS Saltwater Fishing Tournament 2005
64 22nd Annual Skeet Shoot
65 Government Update

Thursday, September 1, 2005
Houston Geological Society Bulletins