HGA/GeoWives News

HGA Annual Business Meeting and Luncheon

By Margaret Jones, President
HGA will complete the year on May 12th with a luncheon and musical program by The Kingsmen at the Briar Club. The chairperson is Lois Matuszak. She and her committee are planning a lovely meeting. The annual business meeting will be held at that time with the election of officers for the coming year 2005-2006. I congratulate in advance the new officers and directors on their election to these important positions. I wish a wonderful year for all of them.  I hope many of the members will be there to participate in this important event.
HGA would like to invite all wives of HGS members, widows of HGS members and female geologists who are members of HGS to join the Houston Geological Auxiliary for the coming year 2005-2006. Membership forms are found in the Bulletin.
I would like to say thank you again to the chairpersons and committees for the September Dinner at Magic Island; the December Luncheon at the Lakeside Country Club; and the Game Day on Valentine’s Day at the Junior League. Also, I thank you for the Spring Style Show “Butterflies Are Free” with fashions by Harrold Powell at the Houston Racquet Club. We felt we learned the new slant on style after seeing the style show. Special thanks go to the Co-Chairs Shirley Gordon and Norma Jean Bacho and their committee.
We were saddened to lose two of our members this year: Kathryn Bennett and Nancy Remick, as well as former member Dot Cooke.
“Cinco-Mas” Bridge group will meet the second Thursday in May.  Reservations can be made by calling Audrey Tompkins at (713) 686-0005.  Petroleum Club Ladies Bridge will meet the third Wednesday, May 18th. Those reservations can be made by calling Daisy Wood at (713) 977-7319.
I can’t let the year end without expressing my heartfelt appreciation to the Executive Board, Directors and chairpersons for their untiring efforts during this past year. Every member went beyond the call of duty to see that everything went smoothly.
Thanks to the following Executive Board Members:
Norma Jean Jones, President-Elect
Sally Blackhall, First Vice-President-Programs
Debra Munsell, Second Vice-President
Vicky Pickering, Third Vice-President-HGA Liaison
Edythe Bishop, Secretary
Jean Allred, Treasurer
Millie Tonn and Mary Kae Dingler, Historian/Photographer
Betty Alfred, Parliamentarian/Past President
Stephanie Levine, wife of HGS President, Steve Levine
Thanks to the Directors:
Betty Alfred, Elinor Macmillan, Geneva Quigley, and Mikki Ledbetter Wunderle.
Thanks to Committee Chairpersons:
Gwinn Lewis, Yearbook
Debra Munsell, Membership
Dene Grove and Connie Griffith, Notification
Mary Harle and Janice Haye, Courtesy
Winona LaBrant Smith, Editor of the Eclectic Log
Vicky Pickering, Substitute Office Service (SOS)
Daisy Wood, Game Day
Audrey Tompkins, “Cinco-Mas” Bridge group
Daisy Wood, Petroleum Club Ladies Bridge group
A new committee, Transportation, was formed to provide transportation for our members who no longer drive and can not attend unless some arrangement is made for them. Former President, Edie Frick, responded to the challenge and has done a beautiful job as chairperson in this capacity.
The 2005-2006 HGS/HGA Distinguished Service Award is presented to Shirley Gordon. We thank her for many years of service to our organizations.
I ask you to join me in welcoming Norma Jean Jones as our new President. May she have a wonderful year.
I want to let all of you know it has been an honor to be your President this year 2004-2005. This is a great organization and here’s hoping it will continue for many years to come.
Best wishes to all of you for a wonderful summer.

Geo-Wives Annual Business Meeting and Luncheon
By Debra Munsell, President
Geo-Wives annual luncheon and business meeting will be held on Thursday, May 19, at Cohen House, the faculty club at Rice University. Come and join us in welcoming the new 2005-2006 Geo-Wives Officers. The Co-Chairs are Martha Lou Broussard and Anne Rogers.
We have had a very good year 2004-2005 with activities including the Social Brunch at Dene Grove’s home in September; the HGS Shrimp Peel at Sam Houston Race Park in October; the METRORail train ride to downtown Houston in November; Christmas caroling at Tremont Retirement Community in December; Pot Luck Luncheon at Dene Grove’s home in January; Master Gardener program in February at Memorial Drive Presbyterian Church; the program on India in March at Lois Matuszak’s home was very educational as well as entertaining; and the annual trip to study Texas history in April with a drive to Nacogdoches. The Play Reading group enjoyed meetings this year under the leadership of Lois Matuszak.
Members give a very big thanks to all the officers and committee persons for a great year of fun, fellowship, and activities.
Thanks to the Officers:
Dene Grove, First Vice-President
Susan McKinley, Second Vice-President
Linnie Edwards, Secretary
Janet Steinmetz, Treasurer
Thanks to Committee Chairpersons:
Janet Godfrey, Notification
Lois Matuszak, Courtesy
Adrian Lewis, Yearbook
Please join us in September for the beginning of another fun-filled year 2005-2006 with our new slate of officers.
Membership forms are found in the Bulletin.

HGS Bulletin - May, 2005
Sunday, May 1, 2005
HGA / GeoWives